How Is My Trading Style. - page 3


Some people say that hedging strategies here ... do you mean forex options with it?

Hedging is one trading style, and as such, it can be used (with varying levels of success) on all sorts of markets, forex options could be one of them, but doesn't have to be the only one.
Hedging is one trading style, and as such, it can be used (with varying levels of success) on all sorts of markets, forex options could be one of them, but doesn't have to be the only one.
Stop loss is there to manage risk -that's it that is the only reason everyone advocates using a stop loss. However there are many other ways to manage risk such as scaling in (still have stop but it means the stop is wider and noise does not negate your edge) trading small is a very good way (traders lose because they exit profit too quickly relative to loss.with loss they tend to let it run-trading small removes the emotions and allows you to be more objective).           Let me give you a example 1year ago euro usdollar was in a downtrend on weekly daily charts. If you shorted at one entry point then you would have to get your timing perfect otherwise you keep getting stopped especially if you use a small stop so you keep missing the big down moves even though you have direction correct ...what happened? If you have truly understood how the markets work you will know that the markets are not science they do not move is a constant struggle between buyers sellers it's an auction market. There are strong players and weak and you know what the strong players sell as high as they can in a downtrend on weekly daily chart around the same time as the weak players are getting stopped out.              So use stops yes but understand first why you use stops and whether your stops as a group might be exploited. The way you many your risk depends on the trade setup and strategy you use and how long your trades are open/exposed.for quick trades stop is fine for trades that will last a few days try scaling in at best price when price is retracing against your direction. Why because in a swing trade you want to get in at best price in a scalp this is suicide because in a scalp you need perfect timing so go in the current direction... I've ranted enough but if you try and understand the above you will go along way to being consistently profitable
mohammad shafiq:
Stop loss is there to manage risk -that's it that is the only reason everyone advocates using a stop loss. However there are many other ways to manage risk such as scaling in (still have stop but it means the stop is wider and noise does not negate your edge) trading small is a very good way (traders lose because they exit profit too quickly relative to loss.with loss they tend to let it run-trading small removes the emotions and allows you to be more objective).           Let me give you a example 1year ago euro usdollar was in a downtrend on weekly daily charts. If you shorted at one entry point then you would have to get your timing perfect otherwise you keep getting stopped especially if you use a small stop so you keep missing the big down moves even though you have direction correct ...what happened? If you have truly understood how the markets work you will know that the markets are not science they do not move is a constant struggle between buyers sellers it's an auction market. There are strong players and weak and you know what the strong players sell as high as they can in a downtrend on weekly daily chart around the same time as the weak players are getting stopped out.              So use stops yes but understand first why you use stops and whether your stops as a group might be exploited. The way you many your risk depends on the trade setup and strategy you use and how long your trades are open/exposed.for quick trades stop is fine for trades that will last a few days try scaling in at best price when price is retracing against your direction. Why because in a swing trade you want to get in at best price in a scalp this is suicide because in a scalp you need perfect timing so go in the current direction... I've ranted enough but if you try and understand the above you will go along way to being consistently profitable
As I said in my previous post, it was a poor choice of words on my part.  I meant the idea of a stop loss, what you are referring to as "risk management", as in some way to prevent your account from bleeding out if a trade went against you.  Some trading styles do not have what is traditionally referred to as a "stop loss", but they do make use of some method to prevent major losses from happening, not necessarily the type of thing people are used to calling a "stop loss". 

Hedging trading style is very risky and i don't like it ....also i don't like martingale .....

wait for good signal , and use stop loss is better for me .... 

why is it risky please explain.
Mark Stwala:
avoid stop loss is not a trading style but something more like a suicide
Haha lol
I tried hedging no one time ,with very bad end for me  . 
Rony Sentiko:
I would say that after you get nice profit you put it back to market. Better use risk reward management. Take profit and stoploss is needed. Ya actually sometime stoploss make you to get out to the market but the price move just like what you expected especially in volatile market.

Hi Rony,

Why do you think that Take profit is needed. Personally, I think it's good solution only if you don't really know where to exit. For instance, it's possible to "follow" price action adopting to market conditions.
What I mean, you can see on the screenshot from my yesterday trades (attached) - that was about 500 pips (would have to calculate carefully for exact result, but it doesn't matter really, just wish to show you that possible to trade very "precisely" without Take profit). I use stop loss, but newer take profit. That way I can follow price action (almost) as far as it goes.


trades.PNG  21 kb
If you have 100000 dollars and trade 0.10 lot with out sl is not a problem. Just dont make trades like an stupid idiot haha
Well, your trading seems ok. But thats a Demo Account. Trading with your own, hard earned money is something complete different. Also we don't see the Drawdown. I would suggest to look out for a Broker that offers you a No-Deposit Bonus of some Bucks (15-25$ mostly). Ill write you an PM with a Broker that offers this with an Micro account, as im not sure if im allowed to post this here or not. 25 bucks are not that much, but its real money and you can earn yourself a little extra cash that way after some time.