why not all control paths return a value?

//|                                                         demo.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2022, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2022, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"

int a;
int i;

MqlTradeRequest Request;
MqlTradeResult Result;

MqlRates Rates[];

int Ema40Handle;
double Ema40[];
int Ema15Handle;
double Ema15[];

double PositionSL;

double Close[];
double Open[];
double High[];
double Low[];
int LowestLow;

double EntryPrice;
double SLPrice;
double TPPrice;
double LossRatio;
double ProfitRatio;

bool Bull1;
bool Bull2;
bool Bear1;
bool Bear2;
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
   Ema40Handle = iMA(_Symbol,PERIOD_CURRENT,40,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE);
   Ema15Handle = iMA(_Symbol,PERIOD_CURRENT,15,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE);
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()

void CandleInfo()
   for(i = 0; i < 10 ; i++)
      a = i + 1;


      Close[i] = iClose(_Symbol,PERIOD_CURRENT,a);
      Open[i] = iOpen(_Symbol,PERIOD_CURRENT,a);
      High[i] = iHigh(_Symbol,PERIOD_CURRENT,a);
      Low[i] = iLow(_Symbol,PERIOD_CURRENT,a);

void Ema40()

void Ema15()

bool CandleBelowMA40()
   for(i = ArraySize(Open)-1; i >= 0; i--)
            return false;
               return false;

the compiler said the function CandleBelowMa40(),

"not all control paths return a value",



the compiler said the function CandleBelowMa40(),

"not all control paths return a value",


Now, imagine that for whatever reason, when you enter the "CandleBelowMA40" function, i = -1. Maybe you don't expect that to happen, but it might. That means that the "for" loop won't be executed, and you'll get to the end of the function without having a value to return. Also, maybe the flow enters the "for", but what would happen if "Open[i]" is equal to "Close[i]"? You won't enter the "if" nor the "else", am I right? That's what that error means. You have to control all paths, and make sure you ALWAYS return a value if your function is meant to return a value. If you don't expect "i" to be -1, then just put at the end of the function, before the very last bracket


...and you should be good.

The function returns a bool.
bool CandleBelowMA40()
   for(i = ArraySize(Open)-1; i >= 0; i--)
            return false;
            break;   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this is never run.
               return false;
               break; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this is never run.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< what are you returning here?
  } // CandleBelowMA40
Carlos Moreno Gonzalez #:

Now, imagine that for whatever reason, when you enter the "CandleBelowMA40" function, i = -1. Maybe you don't expect that to happen, but it might. That means that the "for" loop won't be executed, and you'll get to the end of the function without having a value to return. Also, maybe the flow enters the "for", but what would happen if "Open[i]" is equal to "Close[i]"? You won't enter the "if" nor the "else", am I right? That's what that error means. You have to control all paths, and make sure you ALWAYS return a value if your function is meant to return a value. If you don't expect "i" to be -1, then just put at the end of the function, before the very last bracket

...and you should be good.

ya I should be good haha

bool CandleBelowMA40()
   for(i = ArraySize(Open)-1; i >= 0; i--)
      if(Open[i]>=Close[i]) <<<<<<I add this
            return false;
         if(Close[i]>=Open[i]) <<<<<<I add this
               return false;
     return(true); <<<<<<This is what you want me to add?

Sorry for late reply, I have already sleep yesterday, 

so what u told me yesterday is I need to control all path,

so "if" and "else if" condition statement might not be executed,

I still need a return value, and that's why u call me add a return value before the very last bracket,

am I right?

I have another question, for example

bool CandleBelowMA40()
   for(i = ArraySize(Open)-1; i >= 0; i--)
            return false; <<<<<<here
<<<<<the rest of the code from here
               return false;

<<<<<to here

lets say it run until here, so it return a false,

and the rest of the code will not be read,

am I right?

William Roeder #:
The function returns a bool.
bool CandleBelowMA40()
   for(i = ArraySize(Open)-1; i >= 0; i--)
            return false;
               return false;

like this?

ziyang2048 #:

lets say it run until here, so it return a false,

and the rest of the code will not be read,

am I right?

Yes, you're right. When there's a "return" the rest is not executed. If you have many nested "if" and "for" you might forget a path, so it's always a good idea to return something "generic" before the end of the function - it might be true or false (if your function returns a boolean), whatever harms the least your flow in case it's executed unexpectedly.

Carlos Moreno Gonzalez #:

Yes, you're right. When there's a "return" the rest is not executed. If you have many nested "if" and "for" you might forget a path, so it's always a good idea to return something "generic" before the end of the function - it might be true or false (if your function returns a boolean), whatever harms the least your flow in case it's executed unexpectedly.

thanks man.