Signal History


Why does a signal Say it has been trading for X number of weeks, but then under Trading History, there are trades that date back further then that. For example, a signal I’m using has an initial deposit of $5 and shows a ridiculous return, but looking back, some of the profits were made before the signal “started”. 

bradjo32: Why does a signal Say it has been trading for X number of weeks, but then under Trading History, there are trades that date back further then that. For example, a signal I’m using has an initial deposit of $5 and shows a ridiculous return, but looking back, some of the profits were made before the signal “started”. 
Any existing trade history before the signal was added to the MQL5 website is not considered. Only trades going forward are considered.
Fernando Carreiro #:
Any existing trade history before the signal was added to the MQL5 website is not considered. Only trades going forward are considered.
So the percentage gain shown is calculated from the date added and forward, even though the “Initial Deposit” may be before it was added? Thanks!