How to include dll?

When I try to include a dll, #include "TWSLib.dll" file I get the following error: '婍' - unexpected token, probably type is missing? TWSLib.dll 1 1

When I try to include a dll, #include "TWSLib.dll" file I get the following error: '婍' - unexpected token, probably type is missing? TWSLib.dll 1 1

Could it be that the dll ist so old, that it was compiled for 32-bit?

laclance: When I try to include a dll, #include "TWSLib.dll" file I get the following error: '婍' - unexpected token, probably type is missing? TWSLib.dll 1 1

You include, include files (.mqh), they are text files. You do not include DLLs, they are binary files; you Import functions calls out of them.


Yeah I realized, thank you very much