skipping positions on algo


Hi there are instances where code is working properly on demo account taking buy and sell positions as per parameters but when on VPS, once buy exited sell position is taken simultaneously as per code parameters, then VPS is not taking that. 

As you can see in pic that natural gas sell position exited on 30.09.2022 at 10.00.01 but it didnt took immediately buy position. 

My code works well where when sell position is exited, it takes buy immediately. 

But here it skips. I am sensing that VPS is skipping those. 

Can you pls enquire. 




As you can see in pic that natural gas sell position exited on 30.09.2022 at 10.00.01 but it didnt took immediately buy position. 


  1. I can't see anything in you image :(
  2. But check the logs of your local terminal and the ones of the VPS.
  3. If it continues place some Print() in your code to be able to control why this happens.
position Carl Schreiber #:
  1. I can't see anything in you image :( pls find attached. 
  2. But check the logs of your local terminal and the ones of the VPS.
  3. If it continues place some Print() in your code to be able to control why this happens.

Hi pls find pic once again. You can see in system, that once sell position is exited at 30.09.2022 at 10.00.01, buy position ought to be taken as per code, it has not taken. There by skipping position. 

First of all print command is there in code and accordingly we are able to know what position is taken after converting from deal, market, order and executed, 4 typical messages which states code sent signals to executed by placing order, and it accepted. 

Pls note, when i run code on normal pc, it takes buy and sell position correctly, but when on vps, i found it skips some position. Eg: If buy is exited and sell to be taken immediately, but it doenst take and no log is found for that. But on normal pc on, it takes both positions correctly and i can see log for both positions, in same fashion. I am suspecting that since am running code on more than 20 charts, the system gets slow and it skips position. Is it so? 

In nutshell, if same code works well on normal pc on, and on vps it skips that means what ? ITs a VPS issue. VPS is unable to take load. 

Also on saturday, when market is closed, it takes both buy and sell position correctly in ethererum  on VPS, as only chart code is running on VPS as other market is closed and hence not load. But during weekdays, there are more than 20 charts indicators code is working, and hence because of that is sometimes skips position ????

Pls suggest.