Thank you, William Roeder! - page 2


Thank you for taking the time to write this, you have managed to capture what I and others admire about William. His omnipresence makes the whole mql5 site feel like a code and strategy development utopia; and he's been selflessly helping since way back. I can Imagine he must have turned down requests to become a moderator, really speaks of his depth and pure passion, I hope he can continue to be of service and achieve his giant dreams.

Thank you, @William Roeder
Fernando Carreiro:
I feel that this needs to be said, even if I am the only one to think this way.

Many have criticised @William Roeder because of his posts appearing to seem somewhat cold-hearted or even rude. His posts are certainly unforgiving. But one cannot deny the value of his posts and the effort and dedication he puts into them.

He takes the time to analyse the code line-by-line and then outline each of the problematic areas. I, for one, don’t usually have the patience to do that unless it interests me. Yet, he does it almost every time, irrespective of his interest.

In almost every post, he supplies links to forum posts (or other references) that apply to the issue being discussed. Yet, to do this means that he must keep track of all these references (which just goes to show how much effort he puts into it). He either runs multiple searches to find the links (which is very time-consuming and requires much effort), or what I believe he does, is keep a detailed personal database of all this relevant information to reply accordingly with his characteristic “copy/paste” impression. That can be a huge undertaking.

That is no simple thing to do when his gain is almost nil. He is not an admin with vested interest, nor a moderator, nor does he get any substantial financial reward from it. He certainly does not gain much recognition either, as most just scoff at his responses. Only a few really appreciate the content of his posts.

Yet, he persists with his efforts, amidst the personal attacks on him, and what seems to be a general ungrateful attitude towards his posts. I personally would have given up a long time ago.

Yes, he sometimes makes mistakes, but he is only human, like all of us. We all make mistakes and we all have good days and bad days. And we all have feelings and emotions that sometimes come out in our writing. However, the value of his posts is undeniable. They are usually highly relevant and useful (at least for those that are intelligent enough to appreciate them).

So, irrespective of his demeanour, which sometimes rubs people the wrong way, I have to admire his dedication and effort to provide users with an answer to their questions, even if they cannot appreciate it.

Thank you, @William Roeder!

Well said - no one is right all the time and it is rare when @William Roeder is wrong. This forum benefits hugely from his experience.

Kudos for his dedication and ongoing support (and yours Fernando too!)


@William Roeder, if you don’t mind me asking — how to you keep track of all your quotes, allowing you to quickly paste them when composing a post?

Do you keep some database or library of some sort, and if so, what tools are you using for that?

EDIT: I had planned on asking you this in private, but since your messaging is "Friends Only", I resorted to asking here in public, as you may not be accepting friend requests.

Just saw this thread and have to agree wholeherteadly. 

And thank you Fernando for writing this also I believe in behalf of most of this forum readers and participants.
Fernando Carreiro #: how to you keep track of all your quotes, allowing you to quickly paste them when composing a post?
Simple text file, with search tags
See #2
=============================connection ==icon ==status
<a href="/en/forum/46161">Connection status colors. - Auto Trading - General -
MQL5 programming forum</a>
                                    <span class="small">(20<b>06</b>)</span>
href="//">How to Fix Annoying MT4 connection
problems (5 Ways)</a>
                                    <span class="small">(20<b>17</b>)</span>
href="/en/forum/430810#comment_41434567">VPS ICMarkets latency - General - MQL5
programming forum&nbsp;#4</a>
                                    <span class="small">(20<b>22</b>)</span>
Fernando Carreiro #: since your messaging is "Friends Only",

I never look at my profile, so I wouldn't see that.

Well said my friend
i learnt quite a bit from his reply to those he really answer the question. kudos to him.
@William Roeder #:
Simple text file, with search tags
See #2
=============================connection ==icon ==status
<a href="/en/forum/46161">Connection status colors. - Auto Trading - General -
MQL5 programming forum</a>
                                    <span class="small">(20<b>06</b>)</span>
href="//">How to Fix Annoying MT4 connection
problems (5 Ways)</a>
                                    <span class="small">(20<b>17</b>)</span>
href="/en/forum/430810#comment_41434567">VPS ICMarkets latency - General - MQL5
programming forum&nbsp;#4</a>
                                    <span class="small">(20<b>22</b>)</span>

I never look at my profile, so I wouldn't see that.

🙏Thank you, William! I actually thought you used something more complex but I guess K.I.S.S. is still the best method 😅
I have removed a number of posts that are not in the spirit of the topic and argumentative.