Thank you, William Roeder! - page 3

I agree with Mr. Fernando.  His dedication, efforts towards the responses are really appreciable.  Thank you Mr. William 
I think  @William Roeder should be made an admin, moderator or something, he does this out of love, I don't understand how can someone be that much helpful, for free This brother is a legend. At first I thought he has automated the messages but he is a real person doing the good work
Fernando Carreiro:
I feel that this needs to be said, even if I am the only one to think this way.

Many have criticised @William Roeder because of his posts appearing to seem somewhat cold-hearted or even rude. His posts are certainly unforgiving. But one cannot deny the value of his posts and the effort and dedication he puts into them.

He takes the time to analyse the code line-by-line and then outline each of the problematic areas. I, for one, don’t usually have the patience to do that unless it interests me. Yet, he does it almost every time, irrespective of his interest.

In almost every post, he supplies links to forum posts (or other references) that apply to the issue being discussed. Yet, to do this means that he must keep track of all these references (which just goes to show how much effort he puts into it). He either runs multiple searches to find the links (which is very time-consuming and requires much effort), or what I believe he does, is keep a detailed personal database of all this relevant information to reply accordingly with his characteristic “copy/paste” impression. That can be a huge undertaking.

That is no simple thing to do when his gain is almost nil. He is not an admin with vested interest, nor a moderator, nor does he get any substantial financial reward from it. He certainly does not gain much recognition either, as most just scoff at his responses. Only a few really appreciate the content of his posts.

Yet, he persists with his efforts, amidst the personal attacks on him, and what seems to be a general ungrateful attitude towards his posts. I personally would have given up a long time ago.

Yes, he sometimes makes mistakes, but he is only human, like all of us. We all make mistakes and we all have good days and bad days. And we all have feelings and emotions that sometimes come out in our writing. However, the value of his posts is undeniable. They are usually highly relevant and useful (at least for those that are intelligent enough to appreciate them).

So, irrespective of his demeanour, which sometimes rubs people the wrong way, I have to admire his dedication and effort to provide users with an answer to their questions, even if they cannot appreciate it.

Thank you, @William Roeder!
I was looking for a topic dedicated to addressing William’s comments but I really wasn’t expecting this 😆
William Roeder’s “rude” STFW and RTFM comments made me learn MQL5 🤣🤣
So, thank you?
will tbh , william is everywhere on mql5 , and he is helping all of us when we need , one thing only that he is really rude , otherthan that he is a helping hand , thanks for your time and help @William Roede
William Roeder
William Roeder
Trader's profile
Sometimes he puts people in their place. Sometimes it's deserved, but sometimes it looks unnecessary. Are you sure he's a nice guy though? I mean, how can we really know? He's intelligent for sure, but looks to be pretentious more often than not. Maybe even trolling novices with their low quality questions at times.
And the code analysis...are you sure it's him being a kind friend and not being obsessive? People have obsessive compulsive disorders. It is nice to assume people are good guys at least. Interesting thread.

  1. Some may think my posts are Floccinaucinihilipilification, but not everyone thinks like you. (2022)
             Do graphical objects all require time and price properties ? - MQL4 programming forum #3 (2022)

  2. The rudeness here, is people expecting coding done, for free, just because they ask. That is what 12-year-olds do. Adults, don't expect handouts, they work for what they want. There are no slaves here.

  3. No free help.

  4. If they just want a freebe, or start whining when they don't get it, then they need to grow up. They've wasted our time with their post, so they don't deserve niceness. Political Correctness is trying to pick up a turd by the clean end. The more you do it the worse it gets.

  5. My terse remarks have resulted in many posters putting in some effort and learning. And some have posted that they are grateful that they were forced to study.

Abdulkarim Karazon # one thing only that he is really rude ,

Not rude at all, if you post a reasonable question (this doesn't compile and I don't see why, or how should I go about this).

Post a “code this for me,” or “this doesn't work” requires a rude answer for the rude question wasting everyone's time; there are no slaves here.
     How To Ask Questions The Smart Way. (2004)
          When asking about code
          Be precise and informative about your problem

Conor Mcnamara # Are you sure he's a nice guy though?

Very nice. It all depends on the question(s) asked and how. If you ask about a coding question, implicit is that you know how to code, read the documentation, and need guidance. If you ask how do I call X, then you deserve, rudeness for the lazy, entitled, question that you are expected to already know the answer.

William Roeder #:
  1. Some may think my posts are Floccinaucinihilipilification, but not everyone thinks like you. (2022)
             Do graphical objects all require time and price properties ? - MQL4 programming forum #3 (2022)

  2. The rudeness here, is people expecting coding done, for free, just because they ask. That is what 12-year-olds do. Adults, don't expect handouts, they work for what they want. There are no slaves here.

  3. No free help.

  4. If they just want a freebe, or start whining when they don't get it, then they need to grow up. They've wasted our time with their post, so they don't deserve niceness. Political Correctness is trying to pick up a turd by the clean end. The more you do it the worse it gets.

  5. My terse remarks have resulted in many posters putting in some effort and learning. And some have posted that they are grateful that they were forced to study.

Not rude at all, if you post a reasonable question (this doesn't compile and I don't see why, or how should I go about this).

Post a “code this for me,” or “this doesn't work” requires a rude answer for the rude question wasting everyone's time; there are no slaves here.
     How To Ask Questions The Smart Way. (2004)
          When asking about code
          Be precise and informative about your problem

Very nice. It all depends on the question(s) asked and how. If you ask about a coding question, implicit is that you know how to code, read the documentation, and need guidance. If you ask how do I call X, then you deserve, rudeness for the lazy, entitled, question that you are expected to already know the answer.

As an outsider just starting to learn my impression of the mql community was that it wasn't friendly. I thought maybe the reason was that it was owned by the financial institutions and that they didn't really want people to learn. Whatever the reason, I don't think the harshness is necessary. What seems like a silly question to one person is often hours of trying to work it out by a novice. I know I have spent hours trying to work out how things work as often the examples are quite long so I have to work out which part is doing what. Yes, that is a good way to learn but is more enjoyable when the community is encouraging rather than criticising. 


After 1.5 year into MQL and referring to this forum in desperate times, I can say that only one post from William Roeder actually was helpful for me which I totally appreciate it. however, you guys are missing the big picture and this topic alone is telling that something is off with his typical replies.

1- first off the documentation is terrible. sometimes it makes no sense even to me as a professional web developer who knows at least 3 programing languages. so assuming the OP didn't read the docs is not true most of the times. it just means that people couldn't understand the concept being explained through the docs and it's bloated code examples.

2- you are missing the point of the *forum* when you criticise people for daring to ask a question that which possibly was asked before in a different context. the Idea that a certain question has to be asked only once requires a different platform like StackExchange.

3- it is not the easiest thing to ask a question and wait for unknown amounts of time for someone to come and spare a hint when you can actually google and find solutions. so maybe it's better to assume other things or do not bother yourself at all

Lets face it guys this forum is toxic because of such answers. it is better to remove poorly asked questions instead of spreading disgust.

hematinik #:

After 1.5 year into MQL and referring to this forum in desperate times, I can say that only one post from William Roeder actually was helpful for me which I totally appreciate it. however, you guys are missing the big picture and this topic alone is telling that something is off with his typical replies.

1- first off the documentation is terrible. sometimes it makes no sense even to me as a professional web developer who knows at least 3 programing languages. so assuming the OP didn't read the docs is not true most of the times. it just means that people couldn't understand the concept being explained through the docs and it's bloated code examples.

2- you are missing the point of the *forum* when you criticise people for daring to ask a question that which possibly was asked before in a different context. the Idea that a certain question has to be asked only once requires a different platform like StackExchange.

3- it is not the easiest thing to ask a question and wait for unknown amounts of time for someone to come and spare a hint when you can actually google and find solutions. so maybe it's better to assume other things or do not bother yourself at all

Lets face it guys this forum is toxic because of such answers. it is better to remove poorly asked questions instead of spreading disgust.

Professional web developer with html css knowledge may not find it easy to read documentation because html css is not real programming language like C++. You know markup language and trying to read documentation of programming language so it will be definitely tough for you. For me everything in documentation is meaningful as I know HTML CSS as well as C++