Where is the MetaQuotes Server Located?

I just wanted to know the timezone of the MetaQuotes Server (i.e When you downloading MetaQuotes Data from the History Center, what timezone are you collecting from?)
TraderTogami: I just wanted to know the timezone of the MetaQuotes Server (i.e When you downloading MetaQuotes Data from the History Center, what timezone are you collecting from?)

It is not a question of location. Trade servers can use any time-zone they wish, irrespective of location. So connect to a MetaQuotes demo server and see what time it is using and figure out the offset.

Fernando Carreiro #:

It is not a question of location. Trade servers can use any time-zone they wish, irrespective of location. So connect to a MetaQuotes demo server and see what time it is using and figure out the offset.

Thanks for the reply, 

I tried to do as you said already, and I think the data is coming from Nicoasia, though realistically, I don't have a 100% way of confirming that other than judging the current offset. I would think just comparing the offset would be sufficient considering day light saving time. Any other recommendations?