MT5 backtesting chart pile up - page 2

Fernando Carreiro #:

Please note that it is SERIOUS, even for System-embedded indicators (MA,BAND...). Do it in the OnInit() also for those cases too.

Yes, Whatever I will place it OnInit(), Thank you very much again.

By the way, Large brokers maintained more than one platform as most well known brokers do now, the same strategy with two versions: one is MT4, other is MT5. When backtesting  the most recent 5 years data for ETHUSD apply same strategy in both MT4 and MT5, the different results were created from them.

There are seemed complete results from MT4, which means there are expecting orders almost evenly occurred over 5 years, however there aren't earlier time (before March,2020)  orders in/out in MT5 backtesting.

I'm new for MT5, I wonder if it existed problem from brokers who provide the not-for-MT5 backtesting data, even that show the chart is normal.