how to create chart offline with my custom closes?



i want to create my offline chart with my closes and data.

void OnTick()
  MqlRates rate[];
  MqlTick tick[];
  for(int g=0;g<siz;g++){

i know my code is very bad . but i ask you to help me to modify it.

i want to show my data on offline chart . my data is in a few text file . i load and save it in 4 arrays.

please help my to complete my code (my expert show candles and update them automatically when ontick() is called).

Amini1382: i want to create my offline chart with my closes and data.

So do it. Your posted code doesn't do it.

William Roeder #:

So do it. Your posted code doesn't do it.

thank you for your answer 

i could make it with your help !

this is my offline chart .

i just want to say thank you very much.