Change start time / from time | Strategy Tester


So currently when I start up a Strategy Tester, I can only select the day I want it to test on. As example, if I select today, it will start at 00:00. 

Is there a way to change the start time, since I want to test from 9am until 9pm

Zwarte ijsman: So currently when I start up a Strategy Tester, I can only select the day I want it to test on. As example, if I select today, it will start at 00:00. Is there a way to change the start time, since I want to test from 9am until 9pm

No, not in the Strategy Tester settings!

You will have to do that in your EA code. Create a start and stop date-time parameters and only trade during that interval.

Fernando Carreiro #:

No, not in the Strategy Tester settings!

You will have to do that in your EA code. Create a start and stop date-time parameters and only trade during that interval.

Hey Fernando,

Thanks for your reply. I get that I will have to create a start and stop date-time parameter, which will make sure it will only trade between those times.

But in this I have done that. But when I start a strategy test, it will still run on the 00:00 - 09:00 to test my strategy, eventough I know it wont buy/sell during that time because I have a start and stop date-time parameter. So I want the strategy tester to start at 09:00, so I dont have to wait for that long on time it wont place orders.

Zwarte ijsman #: Thanks for your reply. I get that I will have to create a start and stop date-time parameter, which will make sure it will only trade between those times. But in this I have done that. But when I start a strategy test, it will still run on the 00:00 - 09:00 to test my strategy, eventough I know it wont buy/sell during that time because I have a start and stop date-time parameter. So I want the strategy tester to start at 09:00, so I dont have to wait for that long on time it wont place orders.

I will repeat myself — no, it can't be done in the Strategy Tester settings!

If you are waiting, then your code is not working properly and still processing irrespective of your start/stop time conditions.

If done properly, it should not be processing any data until 09:00 so as to only have a negligible delay.