A question on filewrite functions


Morning all

So I have a successful file write function, which all works as it's supposed to.

However, is there a way in which you can separate out the information into individual columns on the spreadsheet. I realise it's a .csv file, but is it as simple as as changing the file extension type?

Pip pip! 

TheHonestPrussian: So I have a successful file write function, which all works as it's supposed to. However, is there a way in which you can separate out the information into individual columns on the spreadsheet. I realise it's a .csv file, but is it as simple as as changing the file extension type?

You have to change, not only the file extension, but also the file writing mode.

// Open a CSV file for writing in UTF8 encoding
int hCSVFile = FileOpen( "DataFile.csv", FILE_WRITE | FILE_CSV | FILE_ANSI, sDelimeter, CP_UTF8 );

You can then use FileWrite to output the data fields.

Fernando Carreiro #:

You have to change, not only the file extension, but also the file writing mode.

You can then use FileWrite to output the data fields.

Perfect, much appreciated. 
