Indicators: Support and Resistance - page 2


Hello thank for the indicator, need insteed a point line, a simple line then more extendable i mean more fare, please.

Thank you so much for this indicator, it is really helpful to step back and see the big picture and make it easier for newbies to visualize. I hope you keep up the good work and keep updating if there's anything new

Hi is there anyone that can show me how to write this indicator from Pine Script to MQL5 please??? I've been using it for my trading on Tradingview but now on MT5 and would love to keep on using it. Yeah newbie very newbie as in few hours funny thing is i wont even know if someone answered.

// Bill Williams Fractal Template
//Initially Coded By: Matthew Spencer (Fractals)
//Based on Support and Resistance (Barry)

study("Support and Resistance (Barry)",shorttitle="Kay_SR Levels", overlay=true)

// Define "n" as the number of periods and keep a minimum value of 2 for error handling.
n = input(title="Periods", defval=2, minval=2, type=integer)

dnFractal = (high[n-2] < high[n]) and (high[n-1] < high[n]) and (high[n+1] < high[n]) and (high[n+2] < high[n]) ? high : fixnan(dnFractal[1])
upFractal = (low[n-2] > low[n]) and (low[n-1] > low[n]) and (low[n+1] > low[n]) and (low[n+2] > low[n]) ? low : fixnan(upFractal[1])

// Plot the fractals as shapes on the chart.
plotshape(dnFractal, title= "D",, location=location.absolute, color=blue, transp=10) // Down Arrow above candles
plotshape(upFractal, title="U",, location=location.absolute, color=orange, transp=10)  // Up Arrow below candles

Many thanks @GODZILLA 

Excellent work.

Please, how can maintain in variables, the value of last Support and value of Resistance for using in OnTick method?


Nikolay Kositsin
Nikolay Kositsin
  • 2023.02.07
Trader's profile
Do you have a code sample of how to read the BuyBuffer and SellBuffer for the current bar that can be used during OnTick()?  I have a check for new bars already but would like to incorporate this into my personal EA.
Great indicator. Very helpful. Thanks.