As soon as the indicator is removed from the symbol, the inscription remains. Tell me how to fix it?

In OnDeinit, set the Comment to "".


As @Dominik Christian Egert suggested, here is a code example. I suggest also reading about Event Handling.

void OnDeinit( const int reason )
   Comment( "" ); // Clear comment on chart
Fernando Carreiro #:

As @Dominik Christian Egert suggested, here is a code example. I suggest also reading about Event Handling.

Thank you. This time I was to lazy to give code.
I already did twice.

Dominik Christian Egert #: Thank you. This time I was to lazy to give code. I already did twice.

No worries! I know you answer from a mobile phone many times and that it is difficult for you to post code on those occasions.

Fernando Carreiro #:

No worries! I know you answer from a mobile phone many times and that it is difficult for you to post code on those occasions.

Yes. In fact I found some ways to compensate for most of the shortcomings from mobile.

Like answering to a post by reply,making my text be below the citation. It requires me to copy-paste a CR/LF of text and then hit "new line" at least twice.

Code sections are similar, copy paste.

Usually I read the forum when I have spare time, not on the PC.... Contradictory, but well, I guess that's life.