Do you dare to hold profit floating? - page 3

rainwalker123 #: The greatest lie in trading,  is using a Stop Loss.  Show me someone who use it,  and I show you a loser. The only chance to keep profit,  is using, scalping swings,  when they are making a swing hi or low. 

Who ever said that was thinking non-leveraged trading, e.g. stocks, where the max loss is determined by the bought amount.

Leveraged trading, e.g. FX will guarantee a blown account in the first loosing trade, where the bought amount has no cost, but the loss is unlimited.

rainwalker123 #:
The greatest lie in trading,  is using a Stop Loss.  Show me someone who use it,  and I show you a loser. The only chance to keep profit,  is using, scalping swings,  when they are making a swing hi or low. 

No stoploss = no long life on the markets.

If you stay long enough you will experience a flash crack one day.

Your assert just proved you're not on the market since long enough to learn it.

This advice is gold.

Philippe Pauleau #:

No stoploss = no long life on the markets.

If you stay long enough you will experience a flash crack one day.

Your assert just proved you're not on the market since long enough to learn it.

This advice is gold.

I think for some traders this is a must. But, for a few traders not. Keep research, analyze and going..