MQL4 StringToDouble always returns zero


Hello There,

The function 


always returns zero on passing a  variable string. (Works when you hard code the string literally)
But Fails when passed from a variable

Let me demonstrate real quick ...

string balance = "12.50USD";
// lets extract the double only from the string
int x = StringReplace(balance,"USD",""); // now we have a plain number
Print(balance); // "12.50"
double balance_only = StringToDouble(balance); 
Print(balance_only) ; // Zero? Why?

to the documentation here and here

This is supposed to work? Right? What am I missing?

Kindly Assist,


PS: I also dropped the question here ...

MQL4 StringToDouble always returns zero
MQL4 StringToDouble always returns zero
  • 2022.07.11
  • Fahad Fahad 1,843 21 21 silver badges 27 27 bronze badges
The function always returns zero on passing a variable string. Let me demonstrate ... This is what I have so far. This is supposed to work? Right? What am I missing?
I even tried to add empty strings on the sides to trick the function but still 
double b = StringToDouble(StringConcatenate("",balance,"")); 
Print(b); // Zero , Why :(
What seems to be the problem here?
@William Roeder #: There is no such function in the language. Post your function.


The function converts string containing a symbol representation of number into number of double type.

double  StringToDouble(
   string  value      // string


string balance = "12.50USD";
// lets extract the double only from the string
int x = StringReplace(balance,"USD",""); // now we have a plain number
Print(balance); // "12.50"
double balance_only = StringToDouble(balance); 
Print(balance_only) ; // Zero? Why?

Your code works as it should so I don't know why you find that it doesn't.

Maybe the code that you have posted is not the code that you are using.


Hello There,

The function 

always returns zero on passing a  variable string. (Works when you hard code the string literally)
But Fails when passed from a variable

Let me demonstrate real quick ...

to the documentation here and here

This is supposed to work? Right? What am I missing?

Kindly Assist,


PS: I also dropped the question here ...

it's working very well 

Fernando Carreiro #: 2022.07.11 18:31

Brain crashed; now working.


Before manipulating the string further,
I was also using StringSplit function i.e

StringSplit(extracted_balance_string," ", &results[]);

Instead of 

StringSplit(extracted_balance_string,StringGetCharacter(" ",0), &results[]); // the space was a special character

I missed that, my bad :D

Thank you for your contributions!

StringSplit - String Functions - MQL4 Reference
StringSplit - String Functions - MQL4 Reference
StringSplit - String Functions - MQL4 Reference