Most major brokers still only support MT4, what gives? - page 2

@Kirk Patrick Lee  #: Yes I see that’s in MT5 

No, it's MT4! Here is the full screenshot ...


@Kirk Patrick Lee, I just cut out for the GIF video, because anything bigger that 640x480 GIF does not play back automatically.

It is in MetaTrader 4. It has been available since the day I first started trading with MetaTrader 4 back in 2011/12 (see the full screenshot in the previous post).

@Kirk Patrick Lee #: Yes I see that’s in MT5 

Here it is again another video in 800x600 so you can see the full view and see that it is MetaTrader 4.

However, you will have to click on the image to start the playback of the GIF animation video.

Fernando Carreiro #:

Here it is again another video in 800x600 so you can see the full view and see that it is MetaTrader 4.

However, you will have to click on the image to start the playback of the GIF animation video.

Hit that help menu and screenshot the program version 
@Kirk Patrick Lee #: Hit that help menu and screenshot the program version 

Come on ... are you that paranoid? You can clearly see from the layout and the icons that it is MT4. You can easily just try it yourself on one of your setups on a demo account or something.


@Kirk Patrick Lee, and just so you don't take my word for it, here it is in the official documentation ... Position Close - Trade Positions - Trading - MetaTrader 4 Help


  • in the "Execution on request" mode, the offered quotes will be active for just a few seconds. If no decision has been made within these seconds, the "Close... " button will be locked again;
  • client terminal allows to close positions partially. To do so, one has to specify the amount of lots less than that given for the opened position in the "Volume" field before pressing of the "Close... " button;
  • broker can close positions, as well. For example, it can be done when prices reach the "Stop Out" level that was set by the broker;
  • history charts are drawn only on BID prices in the terminal. At that, a part of orders shown in charts is drawn on ASK prices. To get ASK price of the latest bar shown, one has to flag "Show Ask line" option in the terminal settings.

Position Close - Trade Positions - Trading - MetaTrader 4 Help
Position Close - Trade Positions - Trading - MetaTrader 4 Help
Buying or selling of a security opens a trade position. Then, in order to gain profit of the bid-and-ask price differences, one has to close the...
Fernando Carreiro #:

@Kirk Patrick Lee, and just so you don't just take my word for it, here it is in the official documentation ... Position Close - Trade Positions - Trading - MetaTrader 4 Help


  • in the "Execution on request" mode, the offered quotes will be active for just a few seconds. If no decision has been made within these seconds, the "Close... " button will be locked again;
  • client terminal allows to close positions partially. To do so, one has to specify the amount of lots less than that given for the opened position in the "Volume" field before pressing of the "Close... " button;
  • broker can close positions, as well. For example, it can be done when prices reach the "Stop Out" level that was set by the broker;
  • history charts are drawn only on BID prices in the terminal. At that, a part of orders shown in charts is drawn on ASK prices. To get ASK price of the latest bar shown, one has to flag "Show Ask line" option in the terminal settings.

There’s a great source. You’re right. I barely trade on my PC anymore, forgive me. I’m mostly in the app. 
  @Kirk Patrick Lee#: There’s a great source. You’re right. I barely trade on my PC anymore, forgive me. I’m mostly in the app. 

The MT4 mobile app also allows for partial closure, or do you need me to prove it as well?

You were quick to state that MT4 did not support partial closure without any proof, but then had me jump through hoops to prove that which is known by most of us.

Talk about obstinate attitude. Sorry if I am being a bit rude, but I just had to vent that out on you.

Fernando Carreiro #:

The MT4 mobile app also allows for partial closure, or do you need me to prove it as well?

You were quick to state that MT4 did not support partial closure without any proof, but then had me jump through hoops to prove that which is known by most of us.

Talk about obstinate attitude. Sorry if I am being a bit rude, but I just had to vent that out on you.

Fernando, I would definitely need you to prove it.
Kirk Patrick Lee #: Fernando, I would definitely need you to prove it.

Wow, that takes the cake!

Give me a few minutes to make a video on my iPhone with the MT4 app.