developer and requester agree to cancel an order. how to proceed?

hi, due to personal problems of the developer, it will not be possible to fulfill the order, so I wanted to ask how it was possible to contact support via email to avoid opening an arbitration but only putting the order back as new.
thank you
612850: hi, due to personal problems of the developer, it will not be possible to fulfill the order, so I wanted to ask how it was possible to contact support via email to avoid opening an arbitration but only putting the order back as new. thank you

Your only recourse is to use the arbitration mechanism, but forget about reclaiming the commission paid to Metaquotes. It is the cost for their services, including the arbitration. They will not relinquish it. You will have to negotiate and settle that cost amount with the coder on your own.

I as a coder, once had a similar situation where due to personal reasons, I had to stop the development. I requested arbitration and asked that the customer be refunded. However, I compensated the customer for the lost commission out of my own pocked via external payment methods.