dual cpu 64 core

Hi, I recently bought a motherboard that manages two 64 core and 128 Trade CPUs each, unfortunately ON mt5 I can only see 50% of the agents, what should I do to be able to use 100% of the resources?

the processors are as follows:
AMD EPYC 7H12 64-Core Processor 2.60 GHz
AMD EPYC 7H12 64-Core Processor 2.60 GHz
motherboard :

Supermicro Mainboard MBD-H12DSI-NT6-B SP3

Thanks for your help


Marino Macis:
Hi, I recently bought a motherboard that manages two 64 core and 128 Trade CPUs each, unfortunately ON mt5 I can only see 50% of the agents, what should I do to be able to use 100% of the resources?

the processors are as follows:
AMD EPYC 7H12 64-Core Processor 2.60 GHz
AMD EPYC 7H12 64-Core Processor 2.60 GHz
motherboard :

Supermicro Mainboard MBD-H12DSI-NT6-B SP3

Thanks for your help


The amount of tester agents corresponds with the amount of physical kernels of the cpu(s) - hyperthreading is ignored. But maybe the software ist not yet able to deal with two cpu on one mainboard - or it has a max limit.

Carl Schreiber #:

La quantità di agenti tester corrisponde alla quantità di kernel fisici delle cpu - l'hyperthreading viene ignorato. Ma forse il software non è ancora in grado di gestire due CPU su una scheda madre o ha un limite massimo.

Thanks for your answer, but unfortunately I have launched a process in which all 128 threads are used in parallel and on the task manager the total load is 50%.

Marino Macis #: Thanks for your answer, but unfortunately I have launched a process in which all 128 threads are used in parallel and on the task manager the total load is 50%.

Even though the tester agents manager only automatically assigns one agent per core, you can manually add more agents in the manager or via command line.

However, please note that just because you can assign one agent per thread, does not mean they will actually be able to process more optimisation passes easily.

You will have to experiment and see if it does provide more testing capacity or not.

Fernando Carreiro # :

Anche se il gestore degli agenti del tester assegna automaticamente un solo agente per core, puoi aggiungere manualmente più agenti nel o tramite la riga di comando.

Tuttavia, tieni presente che solo perché puoi aggiungere un agente per thread, non significa che saranno effettivamente in grado di modificare facilmente più passaggi di ottimizzazione.

Dovrai sperimentare e vedere se fornisce più di test o meno.

Fernando Carreiro # :

Anche se il gestore degli agenti del tester assegna automaticamente un solo agente per core, puoi aggiungere manualmente più agenti nel o tramite la riga di comando.

Tuttavia, tieni presente che solo perché puoi aggiungere un agente per thread, non significa che saranno effettivamente in grado di modificare facilmente più passaggi di ottimizzazione.

Dovrai sperimentare e vedere se fornisce più di test o meno.

Thanks Fernando, but from Meta Tester 5 Agent it is not possible to add, while from the code I do not know how to do it, do you have any articles to recommend or some source code?

Marino Macis #: Thanks Fernando, but from Meta Tester 5 Agent it is not possible to add, while from the code I do not know how to do it, do you have any articles to recommend or some source code?

Install them manually one by one (or with a batch file), using "MetaTester64.exe" command line parameters.

Use a port number in continued sequence from those already installed with the original setup.

Here is an example for the 6th installation on the local host:

MetaTester64.exe /install /address: /password:MetaTester

Fernando Carreiro # :

Installali manualmente uno per uno (o con un file batch), utilizzando i parametri della riga di comando " MetaTester64.exe " .

Utilizzare un numero di porta in sequenza continua da quelli già installati con la configurazione originale.

Ecco un esempio per la sesta installazione sull'host locale:

MetaTester64.exe /install /indirizzo: 127.0 . 0.1 : 2005 /password: MetaTester


Marino Macis #: Grazie!!

You are welcome!

Fernando Carreiro #:

You are welcome!

Hi Fernando, I have tried your solution but you are unable to load them. I begin to doubt that MT5 only sees physical cores and not logical processors.

Marino Macis #:

Hi Fernando, I have tried your solution but you are unable to load them. I begin to doubt that MT5 only sees physical cores and not logical processors.

The TesterAgents only offer the number of physical kernels. Locally I can use on my pc (6 kernel 12 with HT) 12 threads for my optimization - but I have no experience about the behaviour in a local network.

So I guess that there is a kind of limit for the local processors as MQ did not imagine a (desktop) machine with 128 kernels.

Have you checked in the Task-manager the number of running agents? 50% could mean a lot.

Have you checked this property of your pc:


The number of CPU cores in the system


Maybe you can install the terminal several times (portable mode) to run the independently?

I haven't worked with this: https://www.mql5.com/en/docs/optimization_frames

Maybe you can address/start additional thread/cores?

Documentation on MQL5: Checkup / TerminalInfoInteger
Documentation on MQL5: Checkup / TerminalInfoInteger
  • www.mql5.com
TerminalInfoInteger - Checkup - MQL5 Reference - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5
Carl Schreiber #:

I TesterAgent offrono solo il numero di kernel fisici. A livello locale posso usare sul mio PC (6 kernel 12 con HT) 12 thread per la mia ottimizzazione, ma non ho esperienza sul comportamento in una rete locale.

Quindi suppongo che ci sia una sorta di limite per i processori locali poiché MQ non immaginava una macchina (desktop) con 128 kernel.

Hai controllato nel Task Manager il numero di agenti in esecuzione? Il 50% potrebbe significare molto.

Hai verificato questa proprietà del tuo pc:


Il numero di core della CPU nel sistema


Forse puoi installare il terminale più volte (modalità portatile) per eseguirlo in modo indipendente?

Non ho lavorato con questo: https://www.mql5.com/en/docs/optimization_frames

Forse puoi indirizzare/avviare thread/core aggiuntivi?

Carl Schreiber #:

The TesterAgents only offer the number of physical kernels. Locally I can use on my pc (6 kernel 12 with HT) 12 threads for my optimization - but I have no experience about the behaviour in a local network.

So I guess that there is a kind of limit for the local processors as MQ did not imagine a (desktop) machine with 128 kernels.

Have you checked in the Task-manager the number of running agents? 50% could mean a lot.

Have you checked this property of your pc:


The number of CPU cores in the system


Maybe you can install the terminal several times (portable mode) to run the independently?

I haven't worked with this: https://www.mql5.com/en/docs/optimization_frames

Maybe you can address/start additional thread/cores?


ownership check returned 64; so it can only see one processor, right?