I am getting an "#property strict" error while adding one of my product.

Hi, I will be thankful if any body clarify me about compiling through #property strict, how and what changes i need to made to fix this issue
Manpreet Singh :
Hi, I will be thankful if any body clarify me about compiling through #property strict, how and what changes i need to made to fix this issue

The 'property strict' operator is not needed in MQL5 code.

Manpreet Singh: Hi, I will be thankful if any body clarify me about compiling through #property strict, how and what changes i need to made to fix this issue
When you upload MT4 products, you have to have it compiled with the "#property strict" instruction. On MT5, it is has no effect, and it is ignored.
Manpreet Singh clarify me about compiling through #property strict, how and what changes i need to made to fix this issue
  1. Why did you post your MT4 question in the MT5 General section instead of the MQL4 section, (bottom of the Root page)?
              General rules and best pratices of the Forum. - General - MQL5 programming forum? (2017)
    Next time, post in the correct place. The moderators will likely move this thread there soon.

  2. Always use strict. Fixing the warnings will save you hours of debugging, but you must understand the differences.