Purchased Tab Missing In MT5

In MT4 when we go to market tab, there is a sub tab where you can see your purchased products and manage them from there (install or update)

That is missing in MT5, please fix/add that.

I have a purchased product that I wanted to install in another machine and because the seller is temporarily debarred from selling, the indicator does not appear on the market search in MT5, and there is no button to install it here on the market either.

The people who already purchased the product should have access to it even if the author is suffering a temporary penalty.

Purchased tab is not missing in Metatrader 5.
This tab is located in Navigator on the left side of Metatrader:

Purchased tab

Purchased tab

Let me check
Ah thanks for the tip.

I wish I knew that a while ago before wasting one activation doing a test here.