ArrayResize doesn't work! - page 3

Fernando Carreiro #:

No, I continue to believe it is a problem with your code and not the compiler. But without your total code, neither of us can prove their point of view.

i know that mostly the compilator is working right, but on some cases it is so funny.

please let them leave.

Issam Kadhi #: i hope now you discovered that the coders of mt4 are funny, i hope they leave the community and find another work, not programming please!
Issam Kadhi #: i know that mostly the compilator is working right, but on some cases it is so funny. please let them leave.

You are ranting again, and not providing any real proof.

Act more responsibly, and show actual full code samples that can allow others to reproduce your issues. Then we can report the problems to developments team.

If you only rant and act like a spoiled child, then don't expect problems to be resolved or for us to take you seriously.

Issam Kadhi #:

it is working on new file, but like i told you, the name "tab" is never used on any part on the code.
and i no libraries and no includes on the code.
what could it be else?

Issam Kadhi #:



i hope now you discovered that the coders of mt4 are funny, i hope they leave the community and find another work, not programming please!

Hello Issam,

int tab[10], tabing[10];
Print("tab[1] is ",tab[1],"  |  tabing[1] is ",tabing[1]);
