Problem updating site products

The previous version of my product is 1.51.
Today I tried to put a product with version 1.6 on the site
But the site gave the following error:
File version must be higher then last product's version

It is strange that it does not recognize this version higher
To date, I have put many products on the market and I am not new

I tried again and uploaded version 1.8 on the site
But again the same error

Does anyone have experience with this problem?
I have increased the version in programming.
Why not recognize the higher version?

Interestingly, both Meta 4 and 5 both give this error
Productivity - USA - Fundamental Analysis - Price Charts, Technical and Fundamental Analysis - MetaTrader 5 Help
Productivity - USA - Fundamental Analysis - Price Charts, Technical and Fundamental Analysis - MetaTrader 5 Help
The productivity index measures the output produced for each hour of labor worked. This indicator is useful for predicting inflation and output...
Renate Gerlinde Engelsberger:
Today I tried to put a product with version 1.6 on the site

Have you tried 1.60 ?

Keith Watford #:

Have you tried 1.60 ?



That is a good idea


I'm testing right now

Renate Gerlinde Engelsberger #:

Also, make sure that you have changed it in the code

#property version   "1.60"
Keith Watford #:

Also, make sure that you have changed it in the code


I set it to 2.60

problem solved