Clone * class object

Hi, to clone CClass values to a CClass values_new?

//| Class                                                            |
class CTest
                     string name;
                     int number;

//| Construtor                                                       |

//| Destrutor                                                        |

CTest *objects[];

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
   objects[0] = new CTest;
   objects[0].name = "Object_1";
   objects[0].number = 1;
//--- create timer

//| Timer function                                                   |
void OnTimer()
   int size = ArraySize(objects);
   if(size < 10){
      Print("Creating: " + IntegerToString(size));
      ArrayResize(objects,size + 1,0);
      objects[size] = new CTest();
      objects[size].name = "Object_" + IntegerToString(size);
      objects[size].number ++;
      Print("Created: " + IntegerToString(size + 1));
      for(int i = 0; i < size;i++){
         Print("Object: " + IntegerToString(i));
         Print("Name: " + objects[i].name);
         Print("Number: " + IntegerToString(objects[i].number));

I this line code: objects[size] = new CTest();
create a new object but I need to clone the last object.

how to clone?

objects[size] = new CTest();
Marcio Andrade:
Hi, to clone CClass values to a CClass values_new?

I this line code: objects[size] = new CTest();
create a new object but I need to clone the last object.

how to clone?

I played around with your code (see attached).

Dubugging the objects[] array revealed that the attempted copy actually destroys the 2nd object, with the 2nd array location pointing to the original object (see pic)

I suggest you create your own get/set methods so you can pass the data to the 2nd object and manually clone the values.

   int size = 0;
   objects[size] = new CTest(); //1st Obj
   objects[size].name = "Alpha";
   PrintFormat("objects[%d].name = %s", size, objects[size].name);
   objects[size+1] = new CTest(); //2nd Obj
   objects[size+1].name = "Beta";
   PrintFormat("objects[%d].name = %s", size+1, objects[size+1].name);
   objects[size+1] = objects[size]; //Attempt to copy - does not work (now points to 1st object)

   PrintFormat("objects[%d].name = %s", size, objects[size].name);
   PrintFormat("objects[%d].name = %s", size+1, objects[size+1].name);

ObjClone.png  29 kb

Solved, thanks LanMM my friend. @Arelian Monteiro Maia

//|                                                         test.mq5 |
//|                                   Copyright 2022, Márcio Andrade |
//|                        |

//--- version        "1.00"
#property copyright "Copyright 2022, Márcio Andrade."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"

//| Class                                                            |
class CTest
                     string name;
                     int number;
   void              Clone(CTest &ref_pointer){this = ref_pointer;};

//| Construtor                                                       |

//| Destrutor                                                        |

CTest *objects[];

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
   objects[0] = new CTest;
   objects[0].name = "Object_1";
   objects[0].number = 1;
//--- create timer
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer

//| Timer function                                                   |
void OnTimer()
   int size = ArraySize(objects);
   if(size < 10){
      Print("Creating: " + IntegerToString(size));
      ArrayResize(objects,size + 1,0);
      objects[size] = new CTest();
      objects[size].Clone(objects[size - 1]);
      objects[size].number ++;
      objects[size].name = "Object_" + IntegerToString(objects[size].number);
      Print("Created: " + IntegerToString(size + 1));
      for(int i = 0; i < size;i++){
         Print("Object: " + IntegerToString(i));
         Print("Expected number: " + objects[i].name);
         Print("Real Number: " + IntegerToString(objects[i].number));
      for(int i=ArraySize(objects) - 1;i>=0;i--){ if(CheckPointer(objects[i]) != POINTER_INVALID) delete objects[i]; }
Thanks for the opportunity to help my friend
R4tna C #:

I played around with your code (see attached).

Dubugging the objects[] array revealed that the attempted copy actually destroys the 2nd object, with the 2nd array location pointing to the original object (see pic)

I suggest you create your own get/set methods so you can pass the data to the 2nd object and manually clone the values.

Thanks, but the method is for not manually clone the values.

Marcio Andrade #:

Solved, thanks LanMM my friend. @Arelian Monteiro Maia

That's a really neat solution - I am glad to have learnt this!