Hello MQL5 Community,
I am currently developing an EA based on two MAs and CCI Cross conditions.
I'd like to implement a time-based trading strategy and would appreciate your assistance.
As I am in the process of learning coding. I've received helpful advice from the community as well as materials to work through as I go.
My plan is to create a time function similar to the one in the attached sample file, which I acquired from "GitHub." I have added a bit of information to it as an idea of what I would like.
The highlighted section would be my additional check from the variables section.
if(Hour() == StartHour) {
if(IsFirstTick == true) {
IsFirstTick = false;
And my entry time condition:
if(Open[0] < Open[StartHour] - MinPipLimit*vPoint) {
//check ma
if(Close[0] > maCross || MAFilter == false)
The opposite will apply for the sell condition as well, and with the "if (IsFirstTick == true"). I will be using the "OpenBar" instead.
I currently get two return errors of which I have tried numerous times to resolve with no success.
1a. Alert("Parameters incorrect"); return (INIT_PARAMETERS_INCORRECT); and the other at
2b. return (INIT_SUCCEEDED);
The OnInit() function in which you have placed this code has return type "void" - usually it should be "int OnInit()"
would you perhaps know of any method as to how i can integrate the time-based entry function into my existing code?.
I did not fully understand your requirement, but there are 2 methods I have used to execute based on specific times:
Example1 - if you want to delay trading for 60 secs (for example), create a variable which holds the target time.
ulong nextTradeTime = TimeCurrent() + 60;
At each tick you can then check if the delay has passed:
if(Timecurrent() < nextTradeTime) { return(-1); //don't execute } else { //set next trade time and execute }
Example 2 - Use the TimeToStruct() function with the MqlDateTime structure.
You can convert the current time to a struct and then examine the date, day, hour, min, sec with the target time you want - there are examples in the documentation
- www.mql5.com
I did not fully understand your requirement, but there are 2 methods I have used to execute based on specific times:
Example1 - if you want to delay trading for 60 secs (for example), create a variable which holds the target time.
ulong nextTradeTime = TimeCurrent() + 60;
At each tick you can then check if the delay has passed:
Example 2 - Use the TimeToStruct() function with the MqlDateTime structure.
You can convert the current time to a struct and then examine the date, day, hour, min, sec with the target time you want - there are examples in the documentation
TimeToStructHei R4tna C #:
My idea is to restrict trading actions to specific hours, while also checking the MinPiPLimit before executing a trade.
I've updated my code to reflect the changes I intend to make as part of my strategy.
i hope my explanation is clear for your support.
The additions are found at these points: " if(Hour() == StartHour) " and "int OpenTrade(int maCross)", where my entry conditions are located.
replaced values are:
if( maCross>0 ) {
return (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, Lots, Ask, vSlippage, Bid-StopLoss*vPoint, Bid+TakeProfit*vPoint, "Set by Process Expert Advisor", Magic,0,Blue)); }
if ( maCross<0 ) {
return (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, Lots, Bid, vSlippage, Ask+StopLoss*vPoint, Ask-TakeProfit*vPoint, "Set by Process Expert Advisor", Magic,0,Blue));}
I however get the following errors with this addition as shown below:
The third is found at the On Init function:
myPoint = GetPipPoint(Symbol());
And the parantheses at the start of "OnTick()" and at the end of my code.
extern int StartHour = 9; // Start hour of Trading day extern int MinPipLimit = 0; extern int TakeProfit = 40; extern int StopLoss = 40; extern double Lots = 1; // Volume extern bool TrailingStop = false; //Trailing Stop extern int TrailingStart = 15; //Trailing Start (pips) extern int TrailingStep = 5; //Trailing Step (pips) input int Slippage = 0; extern int Magic = 50262802; // Magic Number // CCI Inputs input int CCIPeriod = 14; // CCI Period input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE CCIPrice = PRICE_CLOSE; // CCI Applied price // Fast MA Inputs input int MA_Period = 14; // Fast MA periods input ENUM_MA_METHOD MA_Method = MODE_EMA; // Fast MA Method input int MA_Shift = 0; input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE MA_Price = PRICE_CLOSE; // Fast MA Price // Slow MA Inputs input int SlowMAPeriods = 28; // Slow MA periods input ENUM_MA_METHOD SlowMAMethod = MODE_EMA; // Slow MA Method input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE SlowMAPrice = PRICE_CLOSE; // Slow MA Price // Standard trading inputs input string TradeComment = "CCI2MA"; // Trade comment //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int OnInit() { //--- // Detect 3/5 digit brokers for Point and Slippage if(Point == 0.00001) { vPoint = 0.0001; vSlippage = Slippage *10;} else { if(Point == 0.001) { vPoint = 0.01; vSlippage = Slippage *10;} else vPoint = Point; vSlippage = Slippage; if(TrailingStop && TrailingStart <= 0) { Alert("Parameters incorrect"); return (INIT_PARAMETERS_INCORRECT); } myPoint = GetPipPoint(Symbol()); } { Print("Free margin for 1 lot=",MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MARGINREQUIRED)); Print("Freezing Distance[pts]=",MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_FREEZELEVEL)); Print("Min Allowed Distance[pts]=",MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_STOPLEVEL)); Print("MODE_LOTSIZE = ", MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOTSIZE)); Print("MODE_MINLOT = ", MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT)); Print("MODE_LOTSTEP = ", MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOTSTEP)); Print("MODE_MAXLOT = ", MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT)); } //--- return(INIT_SUCCEEDED); } // Global Variables double vPoint; int vSlippage; double myPoint = Point()*10; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void OnTick() { if(!(bool)TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_TRADE_ALLOWED)) return; static int maCross = 0; static int cciCross = 0; static int ticket = 0; string comment; static bool NewBar = true; setTrailingStop(Magic); bool newBar = NewBar(); if(newBar) { double cci1 = iCCI(Symbol(), Period(), CCIPeriod, CCIPrice, 1); double cci2 = iCCI(Symbol(), Period(), CCIPeriod, CCIPrice, 2); if(cci1<100 && cci2>=100) cciCross = 1; if(cci1>-100 && cci2<=-100) cciCross = -1; double fastMa1 = iMA(Symbol(),0, MA_Period, MA_Shift, MA_Method, MA_Price, 1); double fastMa2 = iMA(Symbol(),0, MA_Period, MA_Shift, MA_Method, MA_Price, 2); double slowMa1 = iMA(Symbol(),0, SlowMAPeriods, MA_Shift, SlowMAMethod, SlowMAPrice, 1); double slowMa2 = iMA(Symbol(),0, SlowMAPeriods, MA_Shift, SlowMAMethod, SlowMAPrice, 2); if(Hour() == StartHour) { comment = GetDateAndTime(); if(NewBar == true) { NewBar = false; if(iVolume(NULL,0,0)>1) //FindTicket makes sure that the EA will pick up its orders //even if it is relaunched ticket = FindTicket(Magic); bool res; res = OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES); if(res == true) { if(OrderCloseTime() == 0) { bool res2; res2 = OrderClose(ticket, Lots, OrderClosePrice(), 10); if(res2 == false) { Alert("Error Closing Order #", ticket); } } } if(fastMa1>slowMa1 && fastMa2<=slowMa2) { maCross = -1; ticket = (OP_SELL); } if(fastMa1<slowMa1 && fastMa2>=slowMa2) { maCross = 1; ticket = (OP_BUY); } if(maCross!=0 && maCross==cciCross) { if(OpenTrade(maCross)>0) { maCross = 0; cciCross = 0; } } } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Auxiliary Functions | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int FindTicket(int M) { int ret = 0; int total = OrdersTotal(); for(int i = 0 ; i < total ; i++) { bool res; res = OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES); if(res == true) { if(OrderMagicNumber() == M) { ret = OrderTicket(); break; } } } return(ret); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int OpenTrade(int maCross) { if(Open[0] < Open[StartHour] - MinPipLimit*MyPoint) //v3.0 { //check ma if(Close[1] > maCross { //here we are assuming that the TakeProfit and StopLoss are entered in Pips ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, Lots, Ask, vSlippage, Bid-StopLoss*vPoint, Bid+TakeProfit*vPoint, "Set by Process Expert Advisor", Magic,0,Blue); if(ticket < 0) { comment = comment + " " + "Error Sending BUY Order"; } else { comment = comment + " " + "BUY Order Executed Succesfuly"; } } else { comment = comment + " " + "Reason Order Not Opened: MinPipLimit Filter Not Passed"; } } else if(Open[0] > Open[StartHour] + MinPipLimit*MyPoint) //v3.0 { //check ma if(Close[1] < maCross { ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, Lots, Bid, vSlippage, Ask+StopLoss*vPoint, Ask-TakeProfit*vPoint, "Set by Process Expert Advisor", Magic,0,Blue); if(ticket < 0) { comment = comment + " " + "Error Sending SELL Order"; } else { comment = comment + " " + "SELL Order Executed Succesfuly"; } } } else { comment = comment + " " + "Reason Order Not Opened: MinPipLimit Filter Not Passed"; } Comment(comment); Print(comment); } } else { NewBar = true; } bool NewBar() { static datetime current = 0; datetime now = iTime(Symbol(), Period(), 0); if(now == current) return(false); current = now; return(true); }

- 2022.05.22
- www.mql5.com
Hei R4tna C #:
My idea is to restrict trading actions to specific hours, while also checking the MinPiPLimit before executing a trade.
I've updated my code to reflect the changes I intend to make as part of my strategy.
i hope my explanation is clear for your support.
The additions are found at these points: " if(Hour() == StartHour) " and "int OpenTrade(int maCross)", where my entry conditions are located.
replaced values are:
if( maCross>0 ) {
return (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, Lots, Ask, vSlippage, Bid-StopLoss*vPoint, Bid+TakeProfit*vPoint, "Set by Process Expert Advisor", Magic,0,Blue)); }
if ( maCross<0 ) {
return (OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, Lots, Bid, vSlippage, Ask+StopLoss*vPoint, Ask-TakeProfit*vPoint, "Set by Process Expert Advisor", Magic,0,Blue));}
I however get the following errors with this addition as shown below:
The third is found at the On Init function:
myPoint = GetPipPoint(Symbol());
And the parantheses at the start of "OnTick()" and at the end of my code.
Sorry there is a lot of info here and I am not able to invest so much time to review and debug this.
I was hoping my hints helped - I suggest writing a simple script to master the time handling and then you can use it in your main code
Sorry there is a lot of info here and I am not able to invest so much time to review and debug this.
I was hoping my hints helped - I suggest writing a simple script to master the time handling and then you can use it in your main code
Also, my guess is you have a missing or extra bracket somewhere - if you have not done so already, switch on "highlight bracket matching" in Tools>Options and see if that helps.
Good luck!

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Hello MQL5 Community,
I am currently developing an EA based on two MAs and CCI Cross conditions.
I'd like to implement a time-based trading strategy and would appreciate your assistance.
As I am in the process of learning coding. I've received helpful advice from the community as well as materials to work through as I go.
My plan is to create a time function similar to the one in the attached sample file, which I acquired from "GitHub." I have added a bit of information to it as an idea of what I would like.
The highlighted section would be my additional check from the variables section.
if(Hour() == StartHour) {
if(IsFirstTick == true) {
IsFirstTick = false;
And my entry time condition:
if(Open[0] < Open[StartHour] - MinPipLimit*vPoint) {
//check ma
if(Close[0] > maCross || MAFilter == false)
The opposite will apply for the sell condition as well, and with the "if (IsFirstTick == true"). I will be using the "OpenBar" instead.