The ChartSaveTemplate() does not work correctly


ChartSaveTemplate(0,"FileName")  create MQL4\Files\FileName_AUDCAD_Ini.dat !!! But According to the document, it must build templates\FileName.tpl

How can create tpl file ?

ChartApplyTemplate - Chart Operations - MQL4 Reference
ChartApplyTemplate - Chart Operations - MQL4 Reference
ChartApplyTemplate - Chart Operations - MQL4 Reference
  1. BabakJam: ChartSaveTemplate(0,"FileName")  create MQL4\Files\FileName_AUDCAD_Ini.dat !!! 

    One has nothing to do with the other. You are confused. You have other code writing file(s).

  2. BabakJam: But According to the document, it must build templates\FileName.tpl


  3. BabakJam: How can create tpl file ?

    Call the function.