Indicator not working and crashing the MT4

This is a custom Indicator and while  applying it on chart it says the following message.
Using it on vps.
What could be done to rectify this issue.
Meta_Issue.png  26 kb
mchartingoffice: This is a custom Indicator and while  applying it on chart it says the following message. Using it on vps. What could be done to rectify this issue.
The indicator will need to be fixed if you have the original source code for it. Consider contacting the author to have it fixed.
What need to be updated from the developer side ? Please recommend.
mchartingoffice #: What need to be updated from the developer side ? Please recommend.

How can I recommend something if I don't even know what is wrong with it? If it is crashing then it is bad code. It needs to be investigated and tested properly, debugged and fixed by a skilled programmer.