Moscow Exchange launches trading in futures on shares of eight Russian companies - page 12

prostotrader #:

Look, I've already admitted that you've won.

Will you stop filling the white space of the screen with black?

Added by

And this is for those who know what I'm talking about.

That's a good kerry trade coming up. We just need to somehow manage to get a loan in dollars from a foreign bank to convert them into rubles and put them in a Russian bank account.


50/50 USD/RUB portfolio

in such a situation, it is better to divide risks evenly

Vitalii Ananev #:

A good cherry trade is coming up. The only thing to do is to somehow manage to get a loan in dollars from a foreign bank, exchange it for roubles and put it into an account in a Russian bank.

For an ordinary citizen, this is not very realistic, practically unrealistic, because the bank will not be able to assess his creditworthiness, and only the wealthy or those who have a residence permit in a better world, or confirmed possession of assets, business or property as collateral, etc. will get a loan.

Vitalii Ananev #:

A good cherry trade is coming up. I just have to somehow manage to get a loan in dollars from a foreign bank, exchange it for roubles and put it into a Russian bank account.

I heard on the news today that Sber is giving 5% per annum in foreign currency.

Vitalii Ananev #:

A good cherry trade is coming up. I just have to somehow manage to get a loan in dollars from a foreign bank, exchange it for roubles and put it into a Russian bank account.

prostotrader #:

I heard on the news today that Sber is giving 5% interest in foreign currency.


take 1-3% interest there and put it at 5% here?

kind of reminds me of arbitrage

Yuriy Zaytsev #:


take 1-3% interest there and put it at 5% here ?

kind of like arbitrage.

And then smuggle it across the border in your arse :)

Михаил Шерстнёв #:

It seems like the right idea.

But if there was a computer game ("IMPERIA IN FIRE") I would be building factories by now.

although logic dictates that construction should have started in 1991
Yuriy Zaytsev #:

It seems like the right idea.

But if there was a computer game ( Empire on Fire) I would have been building factories by now.

although logic suggests that it should have been built since 1991

Since 1991 it was necessary to save and develop )))) Build - well 1, 2. Now I'm afraid there's no one to build either ...

I do not understand what we are talking about. About factories not being built, preserved and developed in the RF?