Moscow Exchange launches trading in futures on shares of eight Russian companies - page 15

Evgeny Belyaev #:

It is now possible to transfer 5k a month abroad through a bank.

If you have relatives abroad as an option. Save or cash out abroad

You can take 10k in cash out of the country.

There is no limit on the import of foreign currency. It is true that you cannot take more than 10 k nal at a time from Kazakhstan to the Russian Federation. Well, you can make two trips.

This is the last I heard, but the schedule changes once a week.

It's always been like that, over 10k with a bank reference, it's the same as with a $1 million card.

With the card, it was declared when you topped it up. If the topping up is shady, the bank will just stop the card and ask for an explanation.

Andrey Khatimlianskii #:

Thanks for the detailed explanation!

It turns out that the real rate was 97*1.12 = 108

And still it is not clear what to do with these virtual notes , transfer abroad is forbidden as well?


Yes, it was 108 somewhere and now it is 104.

They are to be used as assets and a protection against inflation. If someone has a big asset, they can gradually sell it on the rise.

In general, some analysts recommend converting rubles into goods, although it is unclear why they need a third refrigerator and a second dishwasher, unless they need spare parts in X number of years.

But the imported fridge bought at the beginning of the 90s has worked for 30 years (which is a lot) - at the same time my acquaintances have a Saratov fridge from the early 60s which still works - although it does hum.

Yuriy Zaytsev #:


Yeah, it was 108 somewhere, 104 now.

You can use it as an asset and as a hedge against inflation. Those who have a big asset can slowly sell it on the upsurge.

In general, some analysts recommend converting rubles into goods, although it is unclear why they need a third refrigerator and a second dishwasher, unless they need spare parts in X number of years.

But the imported fridge bought in the early 90s has worked for 30 years (which is a lot) and the fridge at my acquaintances' dacha has a Saratov fridge from the early 60s still operates, although it does hum.

my parents have a fridge from Japan - I still can't understand how it fits in the door.


24.03.2022 11:46:30

Большая часть банковских торговых приложений и отдельные брокерские дают сбои

Москва. 24 марта. ИНТЕРФАКС - Большая часть банковских торговых приложений и отдельные брокерские не выдерживают испытания первым днем торгов, следует из многочисленных сообщений инвесторов.
Так, приложение "Сбербанк инвестор" у большинства пользователей не открывается в принципе, приложение "ВТБ мои инвестиции" некоторым клиентам не дает совершать торговые операции, объясняя это переводом активов к другим брокерам.
Также некоторые пользователи не могут открыть торговое приложение Альфа-банка. О проблемах с подачами заявок сообщают пользователи приложения Тинькофф, "Открытия" и БКС.
"В связи с повышенным спросом у некоторых клиентов сейчас могут возникнуть временные затруднения со входом в мобильное приложение СберИнвестор и QUIK", - сообщили в пресс-службе Сбербанка.
"Воспользуйтесь, пожалуйста, услугой позднее", - предложили в комментарии Сбера.
Как сообщалось, в четверг биржа возобновила торги 33 акциями, входящими в индекс "Московской биржи", после перерыва с 25 февраля.
Торги в первый торговый день продолжатся до 14:00 мск.

Personally, my MT5 is running like clockwork on the futures. And on the Sbera futures too)


The wrappers have withered away...

prostotrader #:

The coins have gone stale...

Well, there's a 12% commission on buying, no one's buying.

Sell please, selling commission is perfect as usual.

Once the commission comes to normal - this will be a signal for buying and we will see an obvious corridor or rather see the bottom of the corridor.

I managed to buy at 120 and waited for the bottom, then I will buy again (purely for trading on the USA market)

Yuriy Zaytsev #:

Well, there's a 12% commission on buying, no one's buying.

Sell please, the commission on sales is perfect as usual.

As soon as the commission comes to normal - it will be a signal for buying and we will see the obvious corridor or rather we will see the bottom of the corridor.

I managed to buy at 120 and waited for the bottom, then I will buy again (for purely trading on the USA market).

I would not be so optimistic about the bottom :)

Maybe a situation will arise where the americans will say:

"To whom we owe - all are forgiven", and then the notes won't be worth anything at all.

By the way, probably, trading with the dollar was stopped on FOREX, it fell below 77 rubles (look at the euro exchange rate).

Screenshot was taken at 00-41

Next time, I'll get the Nakukator banhammer.
Artyom Trishkin #:
Next time, I'll get the bunker buster system.

Artem look at the propaganda.

he can call out to like-minded people.