ACTIONS news, forecasts, expectations 2022 - page 170

Edgar Akhmadeev #:
Wouldn't let the animals on a decent stock exchange. This ain't Wall Street.

Well, you can't do without a figurative description :)


I managed to buy some quid at 72.0 - right on the spike!

The truth is that you need it just to trade, not here - but there at the "indecent exchange", where it is still possible to trade.


well, that's it - the calf's delight has been replaced by a neat slow bear pressure.

ВТБ первым после Минфина рассчитался в рублях по валютному долгу
ВТБ первым после Минфина рассчитался в рублях по валютному долгу
  • 2022.04.20
  • Юлия Кошкина
Банк ВТБ выплатил купон по еврооблигациям в рублях, разделив его на два транша — та часть, что причиталась инвесторам из недружественных России стран, оказалась заблокирована. Ранее подобную схему выплат по долгам применил Минфин ВТБ первым из российских корпоративных эмитентов произвел расчеты по валютным еврооблигациям по новой схеме — с...

Inflation in Germany. Official statistics website.

Inflation has been influenced by supply shortages and significant price increases at higher economic levels. Above all, energy products as well as other goods and services have become more expensive as a result of the current crisis.

Overall, commodity prices have risen by 12.3% between March 2021 and March 2022. Energy prices have risen particularly strongly, which in March 2022 were 39.5% higher than in the previous month (February 2022: +22.5%). At +144.0%, light fuel oil prices more than doubled. Fuel (+47.4%) and natural gas (+41.8%) also rose markedly. The price increase for other energy products was also significantly higher than the general tax, for example for solid fuels (+19.3%) and electricity (+17.7%).

Food prices rose by 6.2% in March 2022 compared to the previous month. Thus, the price increase for this commodity also increased (February 2022: +5.3%). Consumers had to pay more, especially for edible fats and vegetable oils (+17.2%, including sunflower oil, canola oil or something similar: +30.0%) as well as for fresh vegetables (+14.8%). Other items besides energy and food were significantly more expensive, such as coffee products (+8.9%) and vehicles (+8.2%, including used cars: +23.9%).

Inflationsrate im März 2022 bei +7,3 %
Inflationsrate im März 2022 bei +7,3 %
Die Inflationsrate in Deutschland − gemessen als Veränderung des Verbraucherpreisindex (VPI) zum Vorjahresmonat – lag im März 2022 bei +7,3 %. Im Februar 2022 hatte sie bei +5,1 % gelegen. Damit erreichte die Inflation im März 2022 einen neuen Höchststand seit der Deutschen Vereinigung. Im früheren Bundesgebiet hatte es ähnlich hohe Inflationsraten zuletzt im Herbst 1981 gegeben, als infolge des Ersten Golfkrieges zwischen dem Irak und dem Iran die Mineralölpreise deutlich gestiegen waren. Wie das Statistische Bundesamt (Destatis) weiter mitteilt, stiegen die Verbraucherpreise im Vergleich zum Februar 2022 sprunghaft um 2,5 %.
Vitalii Ananev #:

Inflation in Germany. Official statistics website.

Inflation has been influenced by supply shortages and significant price increases at higher economic levels. Above all, energy products as well as other goods and services have become more expensive as a result of the current crisis.

Overall, commodity prices have risen by 12.3% between March 2021 and March 2022. Energy prices have risen particularly strongly, which in March 2022 were 39.5% higher than in the previous month (February 2022: +22.5%). At +144.0%, light heating oil prices more than doubled. Fuel (+47.4%) and natural gas (+41.8%) also rose markedly. The price increase for other energy products was also significantly higher than the general tax, for example for solid fuels (+19.3%) and electricity (+17.7%).

Food prices rose by 6.2% in March 2022 compared to the previous month. The price increase for this commodity was therefore also higher (February 2022: +5.3%). Consumers had to pay more, especially for edible fats and vegetable oils (+17.2%, including sunflower oil, canola oil or something similar: +30.0%) as well as for fresh vegetables (+14.8%). In addition to energy and food, other goods such as coffee products (+8.9%) and vehicles (+8.2%, including used cars: +23.9%) have become significantly more expensive.

It's so hard to understand all this ...

Who imposed sanctions on whom?

Vitaly Muzichenko #:

It's so hard to understand all this ...

Who imposed sanctions on whom?

It looks like the US on Europe.


It's not clear at all, what is there to lose profits for?


Японский бренд бытовой электроники Toshiba останавливает работу в России 

Об этом сказано в официальном обращении на сайте компании  

На данный момент в продаже есть остатки закупленной ранее техники. Новые поставки в ближайшее время не предвидятся 
Business FM:

Russian oil production and refining down 6%
Russia's offshore oil shipments are down 25%.

Vitaly Muzichenko #:

In general, it is not clear why profits should be lost?

Probably the overheads outweigh the hypothetical profits.