ACTIONS news, forecasts, expectations 2022 - page 111

Vitalii Ananev #:

The government will determine the list. They will probably publish it later. Most likely it will be strategically important raw materials. They cut off the supply of chips, microprocessors and other technological products to us, we will cut off the supply of raw materials from which these products are made. Quite logical, I think.

I understand in theory, but in practice it is interesting how it will work. It looks like
Probably worth buying shares of Intell AMD and companies dealing with chips.
Yuriy Zaytsev #:

Understandable in theory, interesting how it will work in practice. It looks like
Probably worth buying shares of Intell AMD and chip companies.

In the world before the mess caused by covid there was already a shortage of microchips. Prices had already started to rise.


The U.S. is not giving up uranium.

I think uranium will be first on the list for restricting imports of raw materials from Russia.


High oil prices make shale oil production relevant again. the u.s. is again on the plus side, europe is flying by.

Vitalii Ananev #:

The US is not giving up uranium.

I think uranium will be first on the list for restricting imports of raw materials from Russia.

List of uranium producing countries
Старт биржевых торгов ценными бумагами 9 марта 2022 года в Режиме основных торгов на СПБ Бирже состоится в 17:00 мск. Решение СПБ Биржей принято на основании консультаций с Банком России и участниками торгов СПБ Биржи. 9 марта 2022 года не будут проводиться торги в Режиме основных торгов следующими инструментами: еврооблигациями; ценными бумагами с расчетами в евро; ценными бумагами компаний из стран СНГ; ценными бумагами компаний с листингом на LSE; ценными бумагами российских компаний; ценными бумагами компаний с листингом в США: Yandex (SPB: YNDX), VEON (SPB: VEON), Mobile TeleSystems (SPB: MBT), Ozon (SPB: OZON), Cian (SPB: CIAN), HeadHunter (SPB: HHR) и Nexters (SPB: GDEV). @marketsnapshot

Western analysts believe the US ban on Russian oil will devastate the "main artery" of its economy


2008 is a light, fluffy version of the crisis, compared to a pink plush harmless cat.

Западные аналитики уверены, что запрет США на российскую нефть опустошит «главную артерию» ее экономики
Западные аналитики уверены, что запрет США на российскую нефть опустошит «главную артерию» ее экономики
  • 2022.03.09
Одновременно аналитики предупреждают о рецессии в мировой экономике, если цены на нефть продолжат расти до «неизведанной территории» График нефти марки Brent интервалами в 1 неделю. Если Россия ответит отказом поставлять нефть в Европу, это может ”легко” поднять цены на нефть еще на 20-30 долларов за баррель, сказал Энди Липоу, президент Lipow Oil Associates. Ранее Москва угрожала отрезать Европу от поставок газа, если западные страны нацелятся на ее энергетический сектор.
They must have been waiting for the signature of the law on buying shares with SWF funds to open the market.

After the Central Bank banned brokers from selling securities on behalf of foreign residents in late February, the Russian government's decision to buy back shares may be more effective than it was 14 years ago in 2008, Aton senior analyst Mikhail Ganelin said.

According to Oleg Buklemishev, director of MSU's Economic Policy Research Center, undervalued shares may not return to their previous values without a fundamental change in Russia.

Read more at RBC:


It is important for a speculator to understand what is logical to buy.


The list of raw materials banned for import and export from Russia will be approved by the government in a matter of hours - Peskov

INTERFAX - The Kremlin has said that the list of raw materials banned for import and export from Russia in response to sanctions imposed by the West will be approved by the Russian government in the near future.

When asked by journalists to clarify which raw materials are envisaged to be banned for import and export from the Russian Federation in connection with the decree issued by the Russian president, presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said: "The lists will be compiled and approved by the government literally in a matter of hours."
A Kremlin spokesman responded at the same time: "The principle is very simple: there have been a lot of materials that have been brought in for various production chains. Some companies are winding down their contracts and a ban has been imposed on the export of such materials."
"I will repeat once again: the list will be specified by the government," Peskov added.

Non-exchange transactions take place.


The stock exchange in St. Petersburg started trading shares at 5 p.m,

where can i see the trades in real time?


No one wants to buy or sell Russian shares ;(