ACTIONS news, forecasts, expectations 2022 - page 174

I wouldn't be in a hurry to strengthen the rouble above 80p. As long as exports prevail.
As a private person the cheap dollar is interesting when going abroad, but it would be better to wait until times are calmer.
I also have a need to buy goods abroad. But, hell, you can't get everything at once.
Edgar Akhmadeev #:
I would not be in a hurry to strengthen the ruble above 80p. As long as exports prevail.
As a private person the cheap dollar is interesting when going abroad, but it would be better to wait until times are calmer.
I also have a need to buy goods abroad. But, hell, you can't get everything at once.
Gas deliveries to Poland have already been stopped and will probably be stopped in the near future in other countries, quite possibly only until autumn, it is hard to say.
The Baltic States are no longer buying pipeline gas and they are buying liquefied gas from the US, obviously and of course at higher prices.
However, if news items suddenly start popping up about the launch of one plant or another, and they stop buying nails, for example, there is hope. So far, alas, I have not heard anything about industrialization.
That means that the priority for now is the sell operation on the stock market.

Yuriy Zaytsev #:
Gas deliveries to Poland have already been stopped, and it looks like they will be stopped in the near future in other countries, it may well be only until autumn, but it is hard to say.
The Baltic states do not buy pipeline gas anymore , they buy liquefied gas from the US, obviously and of course at a higher price.
However, if suddenly the news reports about the launch of a plant or another, even the purchase of nails, for example, stops, then there is hope.
So far, alas, they have not heard anything about industrialization.
That means that as long as the priority is selling on the stock market.

Obviously, Merica will buy LNG from Russia and sell it to idiots from Europe. Will Russian economists be able to convince the president to oppose such a scheme? Or will they pretend that nothing happened, purchases are made without a delivery address.........

Yuriy Zaytsev #:
The gas supply to Poland has already been cut off and will probably be cut off to other countries, quite possibly only until autumn, it's hard to say.
The Baltic States no longer buy pipeline gas, they buy liquefied gas from the US, obviously and of course at a higher price.
However, if suddenly the news reports about the launch of one plant or another appear in the news, even the purchase of nails will be stopped, then there is hope. So far, alas, they have not heard anything about industrialization.
So for now the priority is sell on the stock market.

The Poles simply did not pay for the next contract in rubles, so they blocked it. Not in the form of sanctions.

As well as the Bulgarians.

"Газпром" полностью приостановил поставки газа компаниям "Булгаргаз" и PGNiG
"Газпром" полностью приостановил поставки газа компаниям "Булгаргаз" и PGNiG
"Газпром экспорт" не получил платежи за поставки газа в апреле от компаний "Булгаргаз" (Болгария) и PGNiG (Польша) в рублях

In the Russian market a "holiday of disobedience"


Temporary warming and a great opportunity to take shorts for a better price.

There is stagnation ahead, we remember the rhetoric.

What the banking sector is happy about is not clear at all. Maybe someone ran to borrow at 30%?

What should the energy sector be happy about, cuts in gas and oil purchases?

Bulls have been unreasonably beating bears for 3 days, according to RTS-6.22.

Let's wait for the bear's strong paw to push the sell button and juicy steaks of fresh bulls will be grilled on bear's braziers.

На российском рынке «праздник непослушания» |
На российском рынке «праздник непослушания» |
Алексей Калачев: анализ рынка акций, включая . Свежая аналитика фондового рынка на
Dmitriy Skub #:

The Poles simply did not pay for the next contract in rubles, so they blocked it. Not in the form of sanctions.

And so did the Bulgarians.

  1. Perhaps Poles simply do not know how to carry currency to the Russian bank.
  2. Maybe they just didn't have time to open currency accounts in GAZPROMBANK, 16 Nametkina Street, building 1.
  3. Or maybe they didn't expect Gazprom would not accept foreign currency on EU territory - these accounts have already been seized. But I think it was already said - if you have been seized, bring your money somewhere else - otherwise no one will deliver GAZPROM OIL.
  4. Or maybe they will just buy liquefied gas from the US, which is also a good option.

It is hard to say.

But it would be fun for Russia if the EU switches to LNG, say within 5-8 years or they build a pipeline from Qatar through the bottom of the Mediterranean.

As they say in the classic fairy tale, either ISHAK will die or SULTAN will die by then.

Dmitriy Skub #:

The Poles simply did not pay for the next contract in rubles, so they blocked it. Not in the form of sanctions.

And so did the Bulgarians.

it is not too late to short the fbucher on gas

some are probably still holding positions from 21.01.2022


ROSN-6.22 combat bears have already returned to the morning stall


According to bloomberg, only four European companies have paid in rubles and ten have opened accounts with Gazprombank.

Gas prices have risen by 16% in Europe.
Bloomberg узнал о 4 странах ЕС, согласившихся платить за газ по-новому
Bloomberg узнал о 4 странах ЕС, согласившихся платить за газ по-новому
  • Илья Фурсеев
По словам источника Bloomberg, четыре европейские компании уже произвели оплату за поставки газа из России в рублях. Еще десять стран открыли спецсчета в Газпромбанке. Ранее «Газпром» прекратил поставки газа в Польшу и Болгарию Десять европейских покупателей уже открыли специальные счета в Газпромбанке для оплаты поставок российского газа в...
Yuriy Zaytsev #:

  1. Perhaps the Poles simply don't know what it is like to carry currency to a Russian bank.
  2. I suppose they simply did not have time to open currency accounts at GAZPROMBANK , 16 Nametkina Street, Building 1.
  3. Or maybe they didn't expect Gazprom would not accept foreign currency on EU territory - these accounts have already been seized. But I think it was already said - if you have been seized, bring your money somewhere else - otherwise no one will deliver GAZPROM OIL.
  4. Or maybe they will just buy liquefied gas from the US, which is also a good option.

It is hard to say.

But it would be fun for Russia if the EU switches to LNG, say within 5-8 years or they build a pipeline from Qatar through the bottom of the Mediterranean.

As they say in the classic fairy tale, by that time either ISHAK will die or SULTAN.

According to a Bloomberg source, four European companies have already made payments for gas supplies from Russia in rubles. Another ten countries have opened special accounts with Gazprombank. Earlier Gazprom halted gas deliveries to Poland and Bulgaria


It looks like just Bulgarians and Poles did not take care of themselves in time, or maybe they just do not have professionals who know how to open 20-digit currency accounts in Russian banks.

Well, that is what happened.

Perhaps, on this cheerful note, the market turned slightly, but something in the analysis of prospects suggests that this will not last long.

After all, not a single plant has opened yet which produces high-quality microwave ovens, washing machines of AFG or LG class.

No one has opened a plant to produce processors of the Intel, AMD level.

There is no plant yet to produce Mercedes-class cars for the same price as SUVs.

Even nails and screws are still imported from China.

All of this will be needed.

No one will pay dividends in 2022 - and in 2023 - 2024 and up to XXXX - there will be nothing to pay dividends from.

So in the meantime we will look for a start for a good short.

Bloomberg узнал о 4 странах ЕС, согласившихся платить за газ по-новому
Bloomberg узнал о 4 странах ЕС, согласившихся платить за газ по-новому
  • Илья Фурсеев
По словам источника Bloomberg, четыре европейские компании уже произвели оплату за поставки газа из России в рублях. Еще десять стран открыли спецсчета в Газпромбанке. Ранее «Газпром» прекратил поставки газа в Польшу и Болгарию Десять европейских покупателей уже открыли специальные счета в Газпромбанке для оплаты поставок российского газа в...