ACTIONS news, forecasts, expectations 2022 - page 145

Yuriy Zaytsev #:

BR-6.22 Down sharply , trades only SELL

US has unpacked its own storage, and will knock down prices.

Let's keep an eye on US oil inventories.

My guess is that a decrease in inventories shows that the demand for oil is there. But if the stockpile rises, it turns out that there is no demand and it accumulates in the storage.

By unloading the storage they upset the balance of supply and demand, thereby increasing supply, leading to a reduction in the price of oil. When the Covid scramble started and oil at negative prices, demand for it was minimal and the storage facility was filled to the brim with some of it not even being reloaded from oil tankers.

Аналитика по запасам нефти в США. Что нужно обязательно знать инвестору
Аналитика по запасам нефти в США. Что нужно обязательно знать инвестору
  • Игорь Галактионов
Каждую неделю две американские организации, Управление энергетической информации ( EIA) и Американский институт нефти ( API) публикуют данные по запасам нефти и нефтепродуктов в США. Чем полезна для инвесторов эта информация и на что стоит обратить внимание, расскажем в этом обзоре. На нефтяном рынке, как и на любом другом, есть покупатели и...
Alexey Viktorov #:

Here's a special joke for you:

At the request of the author of this thread, the joke has been deleted.

😁 good one


Mosbirch is buying its shares off the market. Probably decided to spend the dividends that way.

Мосбиржа начала покупать свои акции
Мосбиржа начала покупать свои акции
Московская биржа начала покупать свои акции на организованном рынке, о чем объявила на портале центра раскрытия корпоративной информации. Согласно сообщению торговой площадки, 29 марта ее дочерняя структура приобрела 156 462 акций Мосбиржи.
Власти решили запретить обращение российских акций за рубежом
Власти решили запретить обращение российских акций за рубежом
  • 2022.04.01
  • РБК
Российские компании обязаны будут прекратить обращение своих акций за рубежом и не смогут размещать новые, следует из правительственного законопроекта. Дивиденды можно будет получить только по рублевым бумагам Акции российских компаний больше не будут обращаться за рубежом, новые размещения также будут запрещены, следует из правительственного...

Will you stop it already?

Let me be with my children.

Why do you have to be followed?

Artem, that's enough.
Vitalii Ananev #:

Let's keep an eye on US oil reserves.

My guess is that a decrease in inventories shows that there is demand for oil. But if inventories are increasing, then it turns out there is no demand and it is piling up in storage.

By unloading the storage they upset the balance of supply and demand, thereby increasing supply, leading to a reduction in the price of oil. When the covid scramble started and oil at negative prices, demand for it was minimal and the storage facility was filled to the brim with some of it not even being reloaded from oil tankers.


The inventory the U.S. can dump on the domestic market was insufficient at the time - hence the oil came back down sharply - the market is hard to be fooled by bold statements.

Rumour has it that the US will decide on volumes within a week - but again this is just a rumour.

Unfortunately for the USA, the Saudis did not even pick up the phone with Biden.

The Saudis and other oil-producing countries are happy with the price of oil, so who will reduce the price at a loss?

Yuriy Zaytsev #:

In the second scheme, the seller has no sanctions RISK and the buyer does not care.

Well, except that the gas buyer will have to open a rouble account in a Russian bank and study the mechanism of buying roubles for euros on the Russian domestic market.

And to exclude the risk altogether, the scheme could involve an advance payment - instead of payment after the fact.

The risk of blocking the account in a European or American bank has not gone anywhere, it has simply been transferred from the seller to Gazprombank.

Алексей Тарабанов #:

The risk of blocking an account in a European or American bank has not gone anywhere; it has simply passed from the seller to Gazprombank.

No. It has gone to those who will buy the currency that Gazprombank will sell to get the rubles.

As long as the money is in Gazprombank but in currency, and even as long as it is in Gazprombank but already in rubles, the payment has not yet been made and the contract has not been fulfilled, so it is useless to block it.

JRandomTrader #:

No. It has gone to those who will buy the currency that Gazprombank will sell to get the rubles.

As long as the money is in Gazprombank, albeit in currency, and even as long as it is in Gazprombank, but already in roubles, the payment has not yet been made and the contract has not been fulfilled, so it is useless to block it.

Wrong again. As soon as the currency is taken over by Gazprombank, it can be blocked. Until an attempt is made to sell to Russian residents for roubles.

Yuri, nothing changes in the current situation, Russia loses currency payments and Europe loses energy. It's a who's who of who from here on out.

But, this is a huge deal for the future. All exports for their own currency.