ACTIONS news, forecasts, expectations 2022 - page 140

Vitaly Muzichenko #:

I can roughly see the same pattern.

They brought euros to the exchange and took rubles, the rubles were given against the debt.

The exchange was saturated with euros, and then what to do with it?


The plus side of this option is only that when you buy rubles, "they" will dump the price, in fact give you more euros than the other side will do.

Start your analysis with the "brought in euros to the exchange" clause. :-)

Maxim Kuznetsov #:

start your analysis with "brought to the exchange in euros"... :-)

It is clear that someone will buy them, this is a stock exchange, not forex.

We even know who will buy them, the question is where to put them afterwards.

Mikhail Makhovskii #:

By the way, about the correct interpretation of the news - I have been thinking about this all day and I cannot understand it.

The news is that we are selling gas for roubles. It is great news and everyone is rejoicing.

The scheme goes like this:

- The exporter sells gas strictly in rubles.

- The buyer goes to the gas exchange and buys it in rubles (what does he buy it for? A foreign currency?).

- The buyer gives the roubles and receives the gas.

In brief, the ruble was transferred from pocket to pocket, minus gas and plus currency. Do I understand the current scheme correctly? If so, it turns out that as a result of all these moves, we sell gas and get currency.... again ... the same currency we can do nothing with ... or am I wrong ?

This is the level of my news analysis :(

As far as I understand, the buyer will have to go to the Russian domestic market and exchange the currency there into roubles, buying roubles at the exchange rate of the Central Bank.
If the buyer buys in eur, he doesn't go to the domestic market but uses an import bank to pay there, so here the problem is that the account can be blocked easily.
The risk of having a foreign currency account that sanctions do not allow you to withdraw currency from. In other words, the money will accumulate somewhere in an "unfriendly account" in an unfriendly bank.

Roughly speaking, the money will remain in the buyer's pocket after the transaction.

It will not happen quickly.

What difference does it make at the moment if a gas unit costs $1700 in EUR or rubles?

and transfers it to the exporter in roubles. In principle, there is NO difference.


There is another option.

They supply us with the goods we need and they get rubles for them and they use these rubles to buy gas. That is, we will pay for the imports that we used to pay for in dollars or euros in roubles. But to do this we have to abolish the ban on the delivery of some goods to us (among these goods there is also a ban on the import of euro cash). Any way you look at it, but it turns out that they will have to either cancel or violate the sanctions themselves and impose secondary sanctions on themselves for violation of their own sanctions :)

This option has one thing but we have a surplus in the balance of payments. That is, we export more than we import. It may turn out that the amount of rubles they received for their goods may not be enough to pay for gas. And then they will have to buy the missing roubles with their euros.

Schedule for March 31.

The shorts are allowed but not all, only the brokers, not their clients.

Московская Биржа - Регламент работы рынков Московской биржи 31 марта
Московская Биржа - Регламент работы рынков Московской биржи 31 марта
Влияем на развитие, создаем будущее. Миссия Группы — способствовать экономическому росту и реструктуризации российской экономики путем расширения возможностей по привлечению капитала для компаний и создания удобной, надежной и прозрачной инвестиционной среды для российских и иностранных инвесторов.

The planting season is upon us, put it in reverse gear. That's why fertiliser makers' shares have skyrocketed in value who knew all along.

США вывели из-под санкций российские удобрения
США вывели из-под санкций российские удобрения
Управление по контролю за иностранными активами (OFAC) Минфина США опубликовало новую генеральную лицензию, которая вывела из-под возможных санкций российские минеральные удобрения. Эту необходимую для сельского хозяйства химическую продукцию включили в список жизненно необходимых товаров наравне с лекарствами, сельскохозпродукцией и...

GOLD-6.22 looks like it will go down in the morning.

BR-6.22 also down in the morning.


Friends, fellow hobbyists, does anyone trade these instruments now ?

Yuriy Zaytsev #:

GOLD-6.22 looks like it will go down in the morning.

BR-6.22 also down in the morning.


Friends, fellow hobbyists, does anyone trade these instruments now?

I'm a little wary. But your dedication to speculation is inspiring and inspires faith in humanity. I'm with you in spirit.

Mikhail Makhovskii #:

I'm a bit apprehensive. But your dedication to speculation is inspiring and inspires faith in humanity. I'm with you in spirit.

I'm also afraid, but I don't hesitate to close my losses, if I don't hit the stream, plus lot control.

And if I see a good fundamental signal I don't hesitate to increase the volume.

Not always a good exit, but that's how it is.