Apophenia as an apologist for clairvoyance in the capital markets. - page 23


The study of money flows is more complicated than the study of flows in physical media: gases, liquids, plasmas.

Economics and finance are not physics and mathematics, where experiments and experiments with the same initial conditions can be performed an infinite number of times to prove it. And the results of studies conducted alone can never be objective because of the possibility of wishful thinking.

In this case, as a proof of truth, I see the ability of theory to describe reality objectively, i.e. to use time series of values to model values of future members of this series and compare with actual values obtained in the future.

The main purpose of modeling future dynamics of value on financial markets cannot be speculative profit from trading operations. Although this may be a goal. Confirmation will follow.

Andrey Niroba trading operations. Although this may be a goal. Confirmation will follow.

not geometry probably

it is impossible to calculate money without mathematics, that's for sure.


Dow Jones, fractal structure (timeframe 1 hour / 17.01.2022).

As of 17.01.2022, the 3rd segment of the fractal, which is marked pink on the chart with the time-frame of 1 hour, is forming in the fractal structure on the Dow Jones index.

Once this pink fractal is formed, which would be the 1st segment of a one-order fractal, the decline in the Dow Jones index will continue as the 3rd segment of this fractal begins to form after the 2nd segment.


Dow Jones, fractal structure (timeframe 1 hour / 20.01.2022).

As of 21.01.2022, in the shallow fractal structure of the Dow Jones index chart, a fractal, marked in pink on the chart, has finished its formation.

All three segments of the fractal, which is marked in pink, are completed.

The 1st segment of the pink fractal is marked by a dark brown fractal.

The 2nd segment of the pink fractal is indicated by a light brown fractal.

The 3rd segment of the pink fractal is indicated by a blue fractal.



Dow Jones, fractal structure (timeframe 1 hour / 20.01.2022)_continued.

Taking into account the current fractal structure in the chart of Dow Jones index, built with the time-frame of 1 hour, we can assume that the fractal marked in pink is the 1st segment of the unit fractal of a greater order, which is marked in red on the chart.

In this case, it is highly probable that the downward trend of the index values will continue within the framework of the formation of the 3rd segment of the red fractal.



There will be euro/dollar parity in 2027.

Parity between the euro and the dollar will definitely be there. Let's simulate the dynamics of the EUR/USD time series values and see when the EUR/USD quote will become 1?

Understanding what follows requires knowledge of the Niro Attractor ABC and the ability to analyse the fractal structure of time series.

Refer to The ABC of Niro Attractors. To get acquainted with the technique of reading fractal structures and method of modeling of price dynamics on the financial market read The article "When will the Dow go Low?". To learn how to apply the Fractal Chart Dynamics Modeling method, see the example of the chart of Dow Jones Index, built with the timeframe of 1 year in the time interval 1896-2021.

Analyzing the global fractal structure of the chart of EUR/USD quotes dynamics, built with the time-frame of 2 years in the time interval 1970-2022, we can assume that it represents a forming fractal-attractor F22 (2nd kind, 2nd type) from the Niro Attractor ABC.

This global fractal-attractor F22 is marked on the chart by a fractal of blue colour.


In the light of the already formed fractal structure of the chart EUR/USD, we can say that the 1st segment of the global fractal is completed and the formation of its 2nd segment is in progress.

The 1st segment of the global fractal, which is marked in blue, is a fractal, which is marked in green on the chart.

The 2nd segment of the global fractal, marked in blue, is the fractal that is forming in red.

The 3rd segment of the blue fractal will begin to form after the 2nd segment completes its formation.

The fractal marked in red on the chart, which is the 2nd segment of a higher-order blue fractal, is in the formation stage of its 2nd segment.

On the chart of the dynamics of EUR/USD quotes, built in a timeframe of 1 year, the 1st segment of the red fractal is completed and it is marked by a lower-order fractal in olive colour.


The 2nd segment of the red fractal is indicated by the pink fractal that is in the process of forming its 3rd segment. As a result, the upcoming price movement of the currency pair EUR/USD will be increasing to the level of 1.3700.

The completed pink fractal will be the 2nd segment of the red fractal and as a result of this the dynamics of the EUR/USD quotes will show a downward trend from 1.3700 towards 0.8000.

If a red fractal is then formed like the F22 fractal from the Niro Attractor ABC, the euro/dollar parity will be reached in the 1st quarter of 2027.

After the completion of the red fractal representing the 2nd segment of a higher fractal marked in blue, the 3rd segment of the fractal marked in blue will begin to take shape within which the dynamics of the EUR/USD quotes will show an upward trend from 0.8000 to 2.0000.

The chart of the dynamics of the EUR/USD quotes drawn in the 1 month time frame shows that the future dynamics of the quotes will be rising towards 1.3700 within the formation of the 3rd fractal segment which is marked in dark blue.


The fractal marked dark blue is the 3rd segment of the higher fractal marked in pink.

The fractal marked pink is the 2nd segment of the greater fractal, which is marked red.


Dow Jones, fractal structure (time-frame 1 hour / 25.01.2022).

Given the established fractal structure on the Dow Jones index chart, built with a time-frame of 1 hour, it can be assumed that the downward dynamics of values will continue within the formation of the 3rd segment of the fractal, which is marked in red on the chart.

The 1st segment of the red fractal, indicated by a lower order fractal in pink, and the 2nd segment in the form of a mono segment are completed.

The 3rd segment of the red fractal is a lower order fractal, which is shown in purple.

In turn, we can assume that the 1st segment of the purple fractal is the fractal that is marked in blue. In that case, the 2nd segment of the purple fractal will be the fractal that is marked in green. And then the upcoming dynamics will take place within the framework of the formation of the 3rd segment of the purple fractal, i.e. downwards.


I see that the apothecary achine continues to live on :-)

By the way... there's a psychiatrist here recently who might be able to help...



EUR/USD, fractal structure (time frame 1 day / 28.01.2022).

Taking into account the fractal structure on the chart of the currency pair EUR/USD, built with 1 day timeframe, we can assume that the 2nd segment of the fractal, which is marked in red on the chart, has been completed.

The 1st segment of the red fractal was formed in the form of the F22 fractal from the Niro Attractor Alphabet, which is marked in blue on the chart.

The 1st segment of the blue fractal is indicated by a green fractal, the 2nd segment is a mono-segment and the 3rd segment of the blue fractal is indicated by an olive fractal.

In this case, the upcoming trend of the EUR/USD quotes will be upwards within the framework of the formation of the 3rd segment of the red fractal.
