Apophenia as an apologist for clairvoyance in the capital markets. - page 17


Coming back to the forthcoming dynamics of Dow Jones values, I would like to note that the downtrend is in the very initial stage of its emergence, taking place now on the smallest fractal structures, confirming the completion of higher order fractals, when the number of degrees of freedom in bifurcation points is minimal.

The dynamics of the index values, which will be shown on charts plotted on minute, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly timeframes, will not be chaotic.

Absolutely every index value fluctuation will be regular and orderly by forming fractals of different orders, described in Niro Attractor ABC, which will form fractal structures by their combinations of different orders in strict subordination and in strict correspond ence with global fractal structure.


According to the global fractal structure on September 2, 2021 (my birthday) the end of the 1st segment of the 5th fractal order F13331 has taken place, which is marked with orange on the chart.

Considering this fact, the further dynamics of index values will be downward and will pass in the framework of the 2nd segment of the 5th fractal order F13332 marked in orange towards 16'000 points in the time frame (2022, 2028).

Dow Jones_2022-2028


The completion of the 2nd segment of the fractal, which is marked in orange on the chart, will be followed by the formation of the 3rd segment of the 5th order fractal F 13333 marked in orange, which will result in an upward trend towards 36'000 points in the time interval (2028, 2035).

The fractal marked in the chart in orange is a fractal of the 4th order F1333, which is the 3rd segment of the 3rd order fractal F 133 marked in the chart in pink.

In turn, the fractal marked pink is the 3rd segment of the 2nd order fractal F13, which is marked in light green.

Finally, the light green fractal F13 is the 3rd segment of the highest 1st order fractal, which is marked on the chart in light blue.

Dow Jones_2028-2035


With that in mind, the end of the global fractal, which is marked blue on the chart, will be reached at 36,000 pips in 2035.

This global fractal shown in blue on the chart may be designated as the 1st segment of a mega-fractal that is one unit higher (marked with a purple "1" in the circle).

Considering this, the global U.S. equity market growth cycle that started in 1896 can be considered to be finished in 2035, because the following dynamics of the Dow Jones values will take place within the framework of the formation of the 2nd mega-fractal segment (marked with a purple "2" in the circle).

The future of the US stock market, which emerges from extrapolating past performance of the Dow Jones Index by simulations based on chaos and fractal geometry, suggests that the US bubble will inevitably burst after 2035.

Dow Jones_2035+


The weekly timeframe chart shows that the fractal that is marked in blue is the 1st segment of a higher-order fractal, which is marked in red. The 2nd segment of the red fractal is marked on the chart by a lower-order fractal, which is marked in green and which has the opposite direction to the blue fractal. Considering this local fractal structure, future dynamics of Dow Jones values will be downward within the framework of the formation of the 3rd fractal segment, which is marked in red.

The future downtrend on the U.S. stock market is predetermined by the formation of a downward fractal in red on the chart of Dow Jones, or more exactly, its third segment, which has the opposite direction to the fractal that is marked in green, which is the 2nd segment.

The events that will take place in the World in the near future will influence the pace of this decline, i.e., which scenario the downward dynamic will follow - either a sharp decline in the index values within the formation of the 3rd segment of the red fractal, which is marked as 3', or a less sharp decline, which is marked as 3'.

Dow Jones-w_2022.01.11


As of 11.01.2022, we can state the fact that small fractal structures are forming on the chart of the Dow Jones index, built with a time-frame of 1 hour.

More concretely, a fractal, which is marked in green on the chart and which is the 2nd segment of the fractal marked in blue, is formed.

The end of the green fractal will initiate the formation of a new fractal in the opposite direction, which will be the 3rd segment of the fractal marked in blue, i.e. the decline of the index will continue.

Dow Jones-1h_2022.01.11


The decline in the Dow Jones Index was preceded by the completion of the fractal, which is marked on the 1-hour timeframe chart in red on 04.01.2022.

The completion of the red fractal occurred simultaneously with the completion of the fractal, which is marked in blue on the chart as the 3rd segment of the red fractal. The blue fractal is one order of magnitude lower than the red fractal.

Dow Jones-1h_2022.01.04


The graphs below show the numbering of the fractals that were numbered in the posts above, according to their order in the fractal structure.






Andrey Niroba strict correspond ence with global fractal structure.

More to the point. The chart will consist of candlesticks, bars or will just look like a line!!!

Andrey Niroba #:

As of 11.01.2022, we can state the fact that small fractal structures are forming on the chart of the Dow Jones index, built with a time-frame of 1 hour.

More concretely, a fractal, which is marked in green on the chart and which is the 2nd segment of the fractal marked in blue, is formed.

The end of the green fractal will trigger the formation of a new fractal in the opposite direction, which will be the 3rd segment of the fractal marked in blue, i.e. the decline in the index will continue.

A very subtle observation. Indeed, if you look at the chart of the Dow Jones Index, you can see that it is changing.