Writing an effective advisor - page 16

Vladimir Baskakov #:
What are we going to learn to do, connect two fractals and count candles?

I have a better suggestion - I suggest you learn how to trade profitably. To begin with, you must try to get some kind of trading system up and running on your own. It doesn't matter if it's your own or someone else's, but to get it to the point where you trade flawlessly with this trading system and still get a steady average profit.

I emphasize especially - I'm just suggesting. And what to do with it - you decide.

The first hypothesis that needs to be proved in the theory of knowledge is the existence hypothesis. In other words, the first question that cognition must answer is "Does an object with these predetermined properties even exist?"

Personally I (and many visitors of this forum) can firmly say: "Yes, a profitable trading system exists, and, moreover, there are many such trading systems in open access on the Internet. Very many."

Vitaly Murlenko #:

I have a better suggestion - I suggest you learn how to trade profitably. To begin with, you should try to get some kind of trading system up and running on your own. It doesn't matter if it's your own or someone else's, but to get it to the point where you trade flawlessly with this trading system and still get a steady average profit.

I emphasize especially - I'm just suggesting. It's up to you to decide what to do with it.

The first hypothesis that needs to be proved in the theory of knowledge is the existence hypothesis. In other words, the first question that cognition must answer is "Does an object with these predetermined properties even exist?"

Personally I (and many visitors of this forum) can firmly say: "Yes, a profitable trading system exists, and, moreover, there are many such trading systems in open access on the Internet. Very many."

I trade in Profit and then what
Vladimir Baskakov #:
I'm trading at Profit and what's next

Here's to you. You're going the right way, comrade!

Vitaly Murlenko #:

Here's to you. You're going the right way, comrade!

On what page do you plan to start writing a profitable EA?
Vladimir Baskakov #:
On what page do you plan to start writing a profitable EA? to see

Already written and posted twice. Take a good look.


Added something to the advisor. Attached it to this post. Video is being converted now. I will upload it later. All explanations are in it.

In the video, the EA has not closed the order on the next tick only because I have put a trend line on the chart and forgotten the EA itself :))))

I have changed the script a little - the orders are closing normally. If error 2 occurs again, please let me know and I will deal with it. I have not got it anymore.

Oh, I forgot to tell you, if you are going to use 2 lines in your EA, make them in different colours, so as not to confuse the functionality.


Well, here's the video:


Good morning everyone and good mood!

Vitaly, thank you very much for all the explanations in this video. At this stage I already understand that this EA version is not really interesting for me. I will explain why:

  1. There is the human factor. This is the most painful issue for Forex trading. Imagine that this person hasn't slept well, or woke up in a bad mood because his wife didn't let him sleep at night, or had a big party last night and his head isn't thinking straight in the morning, etc.. Now this person has to decide how to build a trend line. That's it! It then turns out to be the same 50/50 system.
  2. The moment you decide when and how to build a trend line, you rely on the indicator readings. I have noticed several times in the video clip when the trend line seems to be drawn correctly, but the price does not follow the anticipated trend. But at the same time the position has already been opened and it is dragging the deposit to the loss. Therefore, I think it is wrong to make a decision based on the indicators. This is my personal opinion, and it may not coincide with the opinion of other participants of this thread. As for the use of the indicator, one can argue at once - do not look at it, and draw a trend line while looking at the chart, based on your own feelings. Here immediately arises the human factor described in point 1.
  3. A somewhat similar EA by Vladimir Khlystov already exists and it is written in the MQL5 language that I understand.

I am going to stop testing your EA for now and finish the finalization of my EA. If you need my help in the future, please let me know via e-mail - I will help you in every way I can.

Regards, Vladimir.

  1. .... Поэтому, принятие решения, опираясь на индикаторы, считаю ошибочным. Это моё личное мнение и оно может не совпадать с мнением других участников данной ветки. По поводу применения индикатора сразу можно возразить - так не смотри на него, а рисуй трендовую линию глядя на график, по своим ощущениям. Вот тут сразу возникает человеческий фактор описанный в п. 1.

I do not open orders based on the indicator readings. I use the indicator as a hint, not a guide to action. Here is the proof. In the screenshot below there are short positions open while the indicator shows a long trend. This is a real account. And, can you believe me, I can see that there will be a drop in price. Why I opened short here is seeing a pullback on D1. This is the accumulation phase of positions.


MrBrooklin #:

So I think making a decision based on indicators is a mistake.

Here is an article where they took a bunch of standard indicators and "fed" them to one of the machine learning algorithms. The result was very good, the results were taken from a new part of history and the algorithm did not see it.