Which terminal is better? - page 9

Arkadii Zagorulko #:

Yes, and it's coded as original, but the sensor is not the right one. I made a video, the Chinese guy gave me 50% back.

It looks 100% original, inside it's not.

I wrote that in a branded shop Razer, on Taobao, maybe even tmall it was not remember, not a dump ali.

Trust me, I'm not fooled, I've been to china many times and know what tao, tmall and the dump for everyone else except china ali are like.

Do you have any idea how serial number registration works, the mouse that fell into your hands fake it probably 3 months ago in the blacklist registration will be, at least pay attention to this fact. chinese on one serial number will not do less than 1000, the first 50 maybe lucky. Razer registration is prescribed in the mouse, so the company probably does not keep as registration for reinstalling Win, the second registration and everything is clear at once.


and in general, what is the point of registering a fake mouse, it will be able to use the proprietary software? Macros.