Is it a shame not to know how to make money in the forex market after 8 years of experience? - page 4

And you finish your leftist propaganda. And shut down your groups. You even leaked on the demo, where do you lead people, lol.
And there is no theoretical base in forex/binary? It is also extensive. But the difference is that in trading, unlike in medicine, it is enough to learn and follow just a few principles - and money will pour into your pocket.

When you get involved with a scalpel in surgery, you know exactly what to do, which is why there is a concept of surgical precision, and in forex head and shoulders work in 50% of cases

no theory will help, only cunning schemes.


VSA volumes, deltas...

Purnov, Zvezdin, Vokhmyanina etc. will teach you everything...

but to make or lose 50-50 :))


Or rather 95 for 5, which won't teach... ((

(One of the VSA gurus said that only 5% of his students make money, I think he regretted that. What is recorded on youtube cannot be cut down with an axe...)

Maxim Romanov:
All principles are nonsense, except the last one.

That last one is also nonsense. Obviously, if the margin is not enough, more needs to be added!

And as for the TC question - if one could really learn profitable trading by mastering a certain set of knowledge and skills, all traders would have already done so. As a result the market would become efficient, in other words it would cease to exist. Only the inefficiency of the market (due to the participants' different ideas about the fair price of an asset) allows it to function.

Don't you have a theoretical basis in forex/business? It's vast too. But the difference is that in trading, unlike in medicine, it is enough to learn and follow just a few principles - and money will pour into your pocket.

Yeah... There's nowhere to go, all my pockets are wet.


It seems to me that such a person should be ashamed that they are not earning, because in 5-6 years people become highly skilled surgeons, programmers, engineers, etc. Spheres that require a lot of knowledge, thinking and working with their hands. Unlike forex/exchange, where you just need to know how to press the buoy/sell buttons, configure the terminal and know the basic functions of a computer, as well as know the maths and be able to count.

And how many people who studied in institutes up to diploma then work in this specialty? Or they should also be ashamed of the time spent on their degree?

As for the theoretical knowledge, theory gives you only the basis, no matter how good it is. I was studying to be a navigator and when I came to my first practice on a commercial (not training) ship, the chief officer asked me how well I had mastered the theory in the academy and then he said: "you can forget all that - now we're going to teach you how to steer the ship, not how to drive it".

It's like with the car - you can learn traffic regulations, but the ability to apply them in practice, and even more to feel the car not only legs and hands, but also the fifth point (by the way, it was the fifth point that I learned to feel how the machine switches and at the exam it helped me not to overdrive - shift to third at about 50 km/h - push in the back -drop).

And the fact that all traders learn one trading pattern for all and pour the prize into their pockets... that's how it works. Most people work by these patterns and lose, so that those who teach them to work by these patterns would make money. After all, as mentioned above, money in Forex (as elsewhere) does not come out of nowhere - for someone to make a profit, someone has to lose.

And finally, isn't it a shame that after 8 years on Forex not to learn to earn on it (alya constant losses) - with such a success you can be proud that you live quietly without noticing these losses. So you've got a head start on something else. You should just leave forex and your life will improve - because then you won't be spending your money on forex, you'll be spending it on your own real needs.


It seems to me that such a person should be ashamed that they are not earning, because in 5-6 years people become highly skilled surgeons, programmers, engineers, etc. Spheres that require a lot of knowledge, thinking and working with their hands. Unlike forex/exchange, where you just need to know how to press buoy/sell buttons, set up a terminal and know basic computer functions, as well as know maths and be able to count.

I've been in forex since 2012 and so far I haven't withdrawn a penny. But I haven't lost any money. So I have nothing to be ashamed of.

Dmytro Zelenskyy:

Or rather 95 for 5, which won't teach... ((

(One of the VSA gurus said that only 5% of his students are making money, and I think he regretted that. What is recorded on youtube is not something you can cut down with an axe...)

He didn't. And I think he repeats it regularly.

This phrase is an excellent defence against outraged sheep that have paid for the training. How can you do without it?


When you get involved with a scalpel in surgery, you know exactly what to do, which is why there is a concept of surgical precision, and in forex head and shoulders work in 50% of cases

no theory will help, only cunning schemes.

Of course, forex/business is a probabilistic process. There can be at least 50% mistakes, but the deposit will still grow. But probabilistic processes also have their own rules and if you follow them, you will make money.