A topic for traders. - page 69

transcendreamer 'Grail'. 😆

It has long been observed that the lower the level of understanding of trading in practice, the more fables and tales about some special super-efficient system that is also"...suitable not only for markets, but also for other areas of humanity as well as natural phenomena"- already on this phrase any adequate trader/manager would laugh.

All this deserves to be regretted...

In the end, such braggarts inevitably end up at the broken trough.

I'm on the side of Uladzimir Izerski. He's right about something.

Everything in our lives is cyclical. Everything has a beginning and an end.

Are you in your right mind to deny the fact that, for example, the snail hut was not designed by nature with a super-efficient system.

There are thousands of such examples in nature.

And the fact that many experienced architects in the design of houses (and not only) use Fibonacci numbers.

And now, as for the market.

After all, the market is a reflection of human activity. A kind of "mirror". A human being is a child of nature. Which is also created according to the "super-efficient system" (you may call it by another expression).

And everything that a man does, as well as nature (earthquakes, floods, etc.), all this will be reflected in the market.

At first glance, you can see only chaos in the price chart. But it is not. There are regularities.

And not everyone can see them. Some people can start to understand (see) the market from day one, and even a decade is not enough for someone.

And the expression " All this deserves a regret ..." is not appropriate. Maybe you just don't understand or don't want to understand.

There's a lot of interesting stuff on youtube.

Renat Akhtyamov #:

neuro again...

in this case it would be the same if the RAMER-DOUGLAS-PECKER ALGORITHM were applied

think with your head, not hope for a miracle from the processor
Truth bro.

Uladzimir Izerski #:

[offended shouting]

You're the only one shrieking here, and everyone can see it perfectly well, and I have shown in the most polite and correct manner that you are (1) unfit and (2) a chronic liar, so you shrieked again, because you are hurt by the truth, we are taking away your last thing: the opportunity to brag. 😁

I showed you examples of adequate quantitative studies of market waves based on matstatistics, but apparently your lack of higher education doesn't even allow you to read them and you rejected them, because of course it's a lot easier to engage in colouring up 5th grader level charts than straining your brain, isn't it? - And on the forum you'll be swearing that you've come up with an ingenious system that will crash the market... 🤣

As predicted earlier, you will then in your desperate exertions lie and bluster more and more, and in the evenings weep at your own insignificance in the world of capital, investment and trading, then after a while you will shamefully delete monitoring (all false prophets do that when the bad times come) and just be a regular windbag who will not even be remembered when you die penniless under a bridge. 😉

Renat Akhtyamov #:

neuro again...

In this case it would be the same if we apply the RAMER-DOUGLAS-PECKER ALGORITHM.

think with your head and not hope for a miracle from the cpu

I wrote that neural networks are optional, read carefully, it's the approach based on objective testing of statistical hypotheses that counts.

Instead of a neural network any other classifier can be (however I doubt that a person with childish thinking is erudite enough to understand the meaning of these words).

Of course, those who are not good with mathematics and systems thinking, will hated both mathematics and systems approach, more and more sinking into abysses of hopeless obscurantism and fanfaronship, which you had in excess (ahahaha😁 formula) and will continue meaningless and ruthless games with randomness blindly.

transcendreamer #:

I have written, that neural networks are optional, read more carefully, the approach based on objective testing of statistical hypotheses is important.

Instead of a neural network any other classifier can be (however I doubt that a person with childish thinking has enough erudition to understand the meaning of these words).

Of course, those who are not good at mathematics and systems thinking, will hated both mathematics and systems approach, more and more sinking into abysses of hopeless obscurantism and fanfare, which you had in excess (ahahaha😁 formula) and will continue meaningless and ruthless games with randomness blindly.

trans, everything has already been explained practically to the detail

you don't understand

and the main reason for this is your desire to flub rather than read
Aleksandr Yakovlev #:

I side with Uladzimir Izerski . He is right in some respects.

Everything in our life is cyclical. Everything has a beginning and an end.

Are you in your right mind to deny that the snail house, for example, is not designed by nature with a super-efficient system.

There are thousands of such examples in nature.

And the fact that many experienced architects in the design of houses (and not only) use Fibonacci numbers.

And now, as for the market.

After all, the market is a reflection of human activity. A kind of "mirror". A human being is a child of nature. It was also created according to the "super-efficient system" (it can be called by another expression).

And everything that a man does, as well as nature (earthquakes, floods, etc.), all this will be reflected in the market.

At first glance, you can see only chaos in the price chart. But it is not. There are regularities.

And not everyone can see them. Some people can start to understand (see) the market from day one, and even a decade is not enough for someone.

And the expression " All this deserves a regret ..." is not appropriate. Maybe you just don't understand or don't want to understand.

There's a lot of interesting stuff on youtube.

Repeating redundant myths and fairy tales that have nothing to do with reality, for the snail house has nothing to do with waves or Fibonacci numbers, just like everything else, you just read it superficially in some blog and took your word for it. 😉

Also read the concept of cycle and cyclicality carefully, it's not just up and down alternation. 😁

All this wave/fibo and other nonsense is the work of a primitive mind, and you can draw any lines and it will seem like something is bouncing off there too...

Take this hackneyed Fibo myth as an example:

  • shells of nautilus molluscs (which are usually illustrated in articles about Fibo magic) contrary to popular belief do not correspond to Fibo numbers
  • proportions of a human body from Leonardo Da Vinci's famous drawing "Vitruvian Man" do not correspond to real people
  • Parthenon, the Pyramids, other megaobjects do not correspond to Fibo's numbers accurately (pulled by mysticism fans).
  • objective psychological research to identify whether Fibo is the basis for the perception of beauty has successfully failed
  • finally, quantitative tests of a breakdown/rebound of levels in trading do not show that Fibo's numbers are anything special
For the latter, see Roy Batchelor and Richard Ramyar, "Magic numbers in the Dow," 25th International Symposium on Forecasting, 2005, p. 13, 31. "Not since the 'big is beautiful' days have giants looked better", Tom Stevenson, The Daily Telegraph, Apr. 10, 2006, and "Technical failure", The Economist, Sep. 23, 2006, are both popular-press accounts of Batchelor and Ramyar's research.

The only reason markets can sometimes (key word HOWEVER) beautifully pullback/punch through fibo levels is the collective belief of lots of technical traders in fibo levels (self-fulfilling prophecy) if they collectively place their stops/limits there, but that will not work either, as profiteers, major institutional players will trade on some other basis, and a breakout/bounceback of a Fibo level might just be random, but for the believers in ZS, it will of course be a confirmation of their belief.

Keith Devlin,Professor of Mathematics at Stanford University explains it simply: "... Most people don't understand mathematics, and they can't even understand how a formula like the golden ratio applies to a complex system, so they can't test themselves either. People think they see the golden ratio everywhere, in nature and in their favourite objects, but they cannot justify it. They are victims of their natural desire to find meaning in various objects of the universe, but because of their lack of mathematical literacy they cannot understand that the patterns they detect are illusory."

People program themselves (zombify) to find a simple explanation and strive to maintain this belief, this is the essence of religious thinking, including trading...

Renat Akhtyamov #:

trans, it's all been explained practically down to the last detail.

You wouldn't understand.

And the main reason for that is your desire to flub and not read

Told by whom and where? - By the same mouth-breathers and pseudo-babble losers? 😁 and why do you think you still don't know how to trade? 🤣

Aleksandr Yakovlev #:

There's a lot of interesting stuff on YouTube.

Yes, there's a lot of rubbish and fabulous nonsense out there, that's true. 😄

It's often the case that the worse and trashier the content the more popular it is, that's just the case with waves-fibs and that sort of heresy.


To conclude, I would like to call you to be objective in your research. Do not engage in obscurantism, do not support pseudoscience and false prophets, do not desecrate the MQL5 resource with inadequate sectarian perversions and silly tales,Study the structure of volatility,honour mathematics and statistics and quantitative optimisation which will lead you to truth and prosperity, while the false prophets will languish their days in misery and poverty and swallow dust on the sidelines of capitalism.


transcendreamer #:

To conclude, I would like to call you to be objective in your research. Do not engage in obscurantism, do not support pseudoscience and false prophets, do not desecrate the MQL5 resource with inadequate sectarian perversions and silly tales,Study the structure of volatility,honour mathematics and statistics and quantitative optimisation which will lead you to truth and prosperity, while the false prophets will languish their days in misery and poverty and swallow dust on the sidelines of capitalism.


it's all bullshit and general literal phrases.

give me an example of your system