A topic for traders. - page 47

transcendreamer #:

You're just jealous of me as usual... 😁 and I have no greed... I'm a great humanitarian...

So think about it - why is everyone here laughing at you? - it's probably for a reason, right?

I remind you, by the way, that you now have to prove to the community that"the waves work".

Ei incumbit probacio, qui dicit, non qui negat.

Otherwise everyone will remember you as a false prophet and braggart. 😉

Funny. J)))

Will you, talentless in trading, be envied ? Oh yeah, you're dreaming, huh? (Dreamer J. Hee hee) What's it to me?

How have you provided us commoners with your highly intellectual thoughts?

I don't expect a good answer from you, and I certainly don't. Criticism is not what it's cracked up to be. )) Hee hee. Very meagre post this time for you personally))). Yeah, yo-yo, that kind of authority and in your face.))

Uladzimir Izerski #:

Funny. J)))

Will you, a talentless trader, be envied ? Yeah, you dream, don't you? (Dreamer Jae. Hee hee) What's it to me?

How have you provided us commoners with your highly intellectual thoughts?

I don't expect a good answer from you, and I certainly don't. Critics are made for other things. )) Hee hee. Very meagre post this time for you personally))). Yes, yo-yo, such authority and in the face).

Volodya, no one is criticizing, just stating the facts.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and trading strategies testing

Topic for traders.

Transcendreamer, 2021.11.11 16:28

You're just jealous of me as usual... 😁 and I have no greed... I'm a great humanitarian in general...

So think about it - why is everyone here laughing at you? - it's probably for a reason, right?

I remind you, by the way, that you now have to prove to the community that "waves work".

Ei incumbit probacio, qui dicit, non qui negat.

Otherwise everyone will remember you as a false prophet and braggart. 😉


Uladzimir Izerski #:

[angry shrieks from an offended braggart...]

Once again, you have embarrassed yourself in public... and you sit in a puddle in the middle of nowhere... ...and then you go back to attacking the good Drimmer... What's the matter with you?

What's that got to do with me? - You're the one bragging, not me....so you get a barrage of rotten tomatoes from everyone involved. 🤣

And don't worry about Drimmer - he's doing fine with a fat briefcase... but you should think about your future poor old age...

What are you going to be in ten years? - The same loser tractor-trailer, bitter at the world...

And instead of taking advice and getting wise, you're just snapping and bragging...

I remind you that Mr. Izersky has puffed up his cheeks repeatedly here and in other threads, that he allegedly learned "the laws of the market" and that "the waves work" and so on...

Now if you are not a cheap whistleblower - you are obliged to report back to the community...

Perhaps your lack of education prevents you from reading Latin? - Let me translate: the burden of proof is on the assertor...

Otherwise everyone will remember you as a false prophet and braggart. 😉

Vitaly Muzichenko #:

Volodya, no one is criticising, just stating the facts


The conversation has turned in the right direction.

What are the facts?

I will not explain. Those who are interested will find it on Wikipedia.

Facts are a more interesting argument than speculation.

So far I don't see any argument from you or Dreamer.

I hope we're enriched with new knowledge. I don't mind.


To add some constructiveness (although I'm afraid it will end up like usual), I will try to describe the prerequisites for a possible proof that "waves work", to begin with a definition of a wave and a trading set-up (set of conditions) for opening and closing positions...

And if "waves work", then there is at least one combination of conditions (for example, a graphical pattern or alternation of extrema) that have a stable trade advantage at given target and stop levels, that is, a positive expected payoff...

Separate question, the MO should not be too small relative to variation, otherwise it is also a waste...

And to prove the contrary (that waves do not work) is formally more difficult, because we have to prove that there is no combination of waves that would have a stable advantage (though in practice we understand that it is so 😉 ).

By the way, long time ago there was a software for analysis of all possible combinations of waves with complete search of all imaginable sets, but of course it is no use.

The question is always about statistical significance, but it just so happens that the waveformers are usually not good friends with statistics...

transcendreamer #:

Once again, you have embarrassed yourself publicly... ...and you sit in a puddle... ...and then you go back to attacking the good Drimmer... What's the matter with you?

What's that got to do with me? - You're the one bragging, not me....so you get a barrage of rotten tomatoes from everyone involved. 🤣

And don't worry about Drimmer - he's doing fine with a fat briefcase... but you need to think about your future miserable old age...

What are you going to be in ten years? - The same loser tractor-trailer, bitter at the world...

And instead of taking advice and getting wise, you're just snapping and bragging...

I remind you that Mr. Izyersky has repeatedly puffed up his cheeks here and in other threads, that he allegedly learned "the laws of the market" and that "the waves work" and so on...

Now if you are not a cheap whistleblower - you are obliged to report back to the community...

Perhaps your lack of education prevents you from reading Latin? - Let me translate: the burden of proof is on the assertor...

Otherwise everyone will remember you as a false prophet and braggart. 😉

Oh how sung)))))

Hee hee hee. Here's three of me))

Admit you've embarrassed yourself and give him a lucha to shine his beard on.))

And this is coming from a beggar, a capitalist, mind you!

No, of course not.

Capitalists come in all sorts of ways. Even beggars. The main thing is to call yourself a capitalist.)))

Poor Odessa!!!


Uladzimir Izerski #:

[some wild unintelligible screaming again...]

Anyway, it's clear to everyone by now, Izersky, that you've trapped yourself and embarrassed yourself publicly.

Now you start maneuvering and sophistries, naive wiki references, back-stabbing, and slobbering all over your opponent instead of responding substantively.

How typical of the proletarian underclass with morbid reactions and hypercompensation for their own cultural and financial poverty...

And by the way I didn't ask you for anything, I'm not in the habit of asking for anything, especially from disadvantaged loser braggarts... 😁

Vitaly Muzichenko #:

Volodya, no one is criticising, just stating the facts for now

Heh, that was fun... I guess no one seriously expected to be constructive on the subject, though... but it was fun to trap the braggart in his own self-congratulatory shouting, fanfare and hustabaloo... after which he instantly erupted in emotion...

The funny thing is that waves as a formalization of zigzag movement can be used in some strategies based on volatility changes, just without calling it pathos-like market laws, etc. - if we approach the experiment design systematically...

However, I'm afraid that our prophet has not matured to understand such terms as Experiment Design or Exploratory Analysis...

But the exploratory analysis is a normal theme for searching of patterns and their forward passages correlation, at least on the design stage (in practice it goes either to breakout or backward 😊 )...

transcendreamer #:

Anyway, it's clear to everyone by now, Izersky, that you've trapped yourself and embarrassed yourself publicly.

Now you start manoeuvring and sophisms and lashing out at your opponent, sputtering and drooling instead of responding substantively.

How typical of the proletarian underclass with morbid reactions and overcompensation for their own cultural and financial poverty...

And by the way I didn't ask you for anything, I'm not in the habit of asking for anything, especially from underprivileged loser braggarts... 😁

Every flawed post you make against me gives me a plus in authority not noticeable to you.

You have no brakes on your opponents opinion and your desire for greatness is coveted for selfish purposes to deceive others.

And they say I'm inadequate...