A topic for traders. - page 41

Serqey Nikitin #:

Have you ACTUALLY looked for a Guru...? Or are these general considerations on general issues...?

You see... If there is a Goal, there is always a SOLUTION for that Goal... if it is not just idle talk...

And how does one REALLY look for it? By first purging one's warrior spirit and intention from perishable thoughts through prolonged ascesis?

Maybe you don't know what the market of paid training and infoservices in the field of trading is like? Fake on fake and successful success.

The goals are not always achieved despite all the will and desire to win, unless of course we live in the real world and the nurse forgot to give us a shot.

Uladzimir Izerski #:

According to prominent Western teachers, only 1-3 people out of 50 students are successful in the markets.

And these are the well-trained ones.

Are you still so young and naive as to believe what "renowned Western teachers" say? I envy you! Children's spontaneity at that age is worth a lot!
Serqey Nikitin #:
Are you still so young and naive that you believe what "famous Western teachers" say? I envy you! Children's spontaneity at that age is worth a lot!
Do you have some kind of a thing about it. Always looking for teachers. You were looking for one on your wedding night too?

vladavd #:

Fake on fake and successful on fake.

Goals are not always achieved despite all the will and the will to win, if of course we live in the real world and the nurse did not forget to give a shot.

Yes, you're right! Such a moneyed and huge market... and no crooks...? - it's hard to imagine...

But to turn your head off in such matters is not right ... And any mistake in the search is your own fault, and to put it on someone else's shoulders is not serious!

You can't trust anyone! I can (c)
Vladimir Baskakov #:
On your wedding night too?

Did you rely on "eminent Western teachers" too...? on your "wedding night"? ... But erudite!

Uladzimir Izerski #:

So why then does everyone do the opposite and drain in a couple of hours?


Interesting to hear, whatis such a non-toxicway to trade?

It would be helpful to hear a clever answer.

If the question is about most public pams/signals, then the answer is obvious, already discussed before: If manager is not insane and not a newbie, he will choose such risk/return ratio that allows him to show aggressive profitability and keep it for a year or two, that is easy to do considering that major currencies are mostly repayable most of the time.

Of course this is not entirely fair to the subscribers, moral aspects will be omitted, it is purely about statistics.

Serqey Nikitin #:
You are so young and naive as to believe what "eminent Western teachers" say? I envy you! Children's spontaneity at this age is worth a lot!

Why should I believe or disbelieve. I see what is going on. I see right through who understands the markets on this forum and who doesn't.

The teachers in most cases are "Sussanins".

Serqey Nikitin #:

Yes, you're right! Such a moneyed and huge market... and no crooks...? - it's hard to imagine...

But to turn your head off in such matters - it's not right ... And any mistake in the search is your own fault, and to put it on someone else's shoulders - not serious!

Let us be specific with your example, because you regularly here and on other forums pull this line about a mentor who is necessary for a beginner in the market, otherwise only the gauge method, many years in vain, and in the end a doldrums and a factory. Such persistent promotion of this theme clearly has some selfish motives, apparently interested person should write to you in a personal and there you have already presented him and combed for his achievements, which undoubtedly are and great, but because of the innate modesty are not published directly in your profile for public viewing. What information will you give him to make an intelligent and informed decision?

vladavd #:

Let us be specific with your example, because you regularly here and on other forums are pulling this line about a mentor that a beginner on the market needs, otherwise only the gauge method, many years of wasting time, and in the end the dust and the factory. Such persistent promotion of this theme clearly has some selfish motives, apparently interested person should write to you in a personal and there you have already presented him and combed for his achievements, which undoubtedly are and great, but because of the innate modesty are not published directly in your profile for public viewing. What information will you give him to make an intelligent and informed decision?

"Specifically" - such things are discussed in private... If you are not aware, TRADING is BUSINESS... and business loves silence...!

The decision on ANYTHING is always up to YOU... Keep your head down...