A topic for traders. - page 7

There's not enough beer in this smokehouse ;) they'll delete it anyway)

I hope your post is supported by fip))

Uladzimir Izerski:

I hope your post is supported by fip))

Vladimir, show me the chif, Baskakov sells, I buy. It is not clear who we are going to laugh at ;)
Uladzimir Izerski:

I hope your post will be supported by fip))

Vladimir, already said it but I'll say it again, you forget why you came here and what forum this is...

You had an interesting topic on waves, but you have underdeveloped it. If you don't want to talk about anything I'll pass, name the topic "talk about nothing" and look for interlocutors.


Vladimir, I've said it before but I'll say it again, you forget why you're here and what kind of forum this is...

You had an interesting topic on waves, but you didn't do it justice. If you don't have anything to talk about, just call it a small talk topic and look for interlocutors.

He's been on this forum since the time of the mammoths. We always have something to talk about.
I am often asked if I have an economics degree. I say spit and knock, but not that, or I would be doing experiments now and wondering why it is pouring out so relentlessly. ;)
Here it is necessary to oppose all sciences and against all, then it will start earning.

In a good way, what is needed is not so much a forecast as a plan at least a couple of steps ahead.

What if?

The price moves in the opposite direction by n points.

The price moves in the right direction by n points.

The deal is in the plus/minus side and we have an opposite/reverse tailwind signal.

The deal is on the plus/minus side and soon the news is nonfarm/end of day/end of week...

Now statistics, we know our signal is right 50/50, 80/20, 20/80.

Andrei Khlebnikov:

In a good way, what is needed is not so much a forecast as a plan at least a couple of steps ahead.

What if?

The price moves in the opposite direction by n points.

The price moves in the right direction by n points.

The deal is in the plus/minus side and we have an opposite/reverse tailwind signal.

The deal is on the plus/minus side and soon we have the news nonfarm/end of day/end of week...

Now the statistics, we know our signal is right 50/50, 80/20, 20/80.

We have to start with the price going immediately against and so on to infinity. Thus, moose is not an option and is not a protection against losing, moose is in principle a partial, but already lost profit. The rest is OK as it is.
Renat Akhtyamov:
You have to start with the price going immediately against it and so on to infinity. So a moose is not an option and is not a protection against losing, a moose is basically a loss. The rest is OK.

This leaves us with the lock.


This leaves us with lock.

By the way, lock seems to be quite a solution for a drawdown, let's say the signal is 80%, we have a drawdown, break it, then by the buy signal we cut part of the settlement, but this is subject to a highly probable signal, just now I am trying to implement something like that.

Andrei Khlebnikov:

In a good way, what is needed is not so much a forecast as a plan at least a couple of steps ahead.

What if?

The price moves in the opposite direction by n points.

The price moves in the right direction by n points.

The deal is in the plus/minus side and we have an opposite/reverse tailwind signal.

The deal is on the plus/minus side and soon we have the news nonfarm/end of day/end of week...

And now the statistics, we know our signal is right 50/50, 80/20, 20/80.


People are potentially sharing thoughts and opportunities.

What, should we ignore their opinions or the unfounded opinions of the moderators?

A traders thread to be!

Let's share experiences regardless of the view ....)))

Andrei Khlebnikov:

By the way, lock seems to be quite a solution for a drawdown, let's say a signal is 80%, we have a drawdown, we break it, then by the buy signal we cut part of the settlement, but this is provided by a highly probable signal, now I am trying to implement something like that.

I think here we should think about what Renat advised: "Here you have to go against all the sciences and against all, then it will start earning".