Has anyone tried to look at price fluctuations in terms of higher mathematics and its already invented mathematical apparatuses. - page 2

said confidently enough. can you be more specific?
You have been told and shown where to go and who to ask on your topic
That's a pretty strong statement. Can you be more specific?
A hybrid of cybernetics and mathematics.
A hybrid of cybernetics and mathematics.

Cybromatics or mathematics?

Maybe you will find something in PNB theory that interests you - Yusuf is promoting it confidently.
It was also, I recall, considered by Williams as a theory of controlled chaos...
Maxim Kuznetsov:

Cybermatics or mathematics?

When I was at uni, we had a joke in our department about the junction of mathematics and cybernetics - cybernetics =)

A hybrid of cybernetics and mathematics.

Without mathematics there is no cybernetics. Well, except for its popular exposition for junior high school students and humanitarians)

Maybe you can find something in PNB theory that interests you - Yusuf is promoting it with confidence.
It was also, I recall, considered by Williams as a theory of controlled chaos...

Such characters have pure imitation and puffed up cheeks, a kargo-cult for those who are not smart at all, but are hung up on a science wrapper.

There's something cooler than higher mathematics!

... but it's a secret).

Has anyone tried to consider price fluctuations in terms of higher mathematics and its already invented mathematical apparatuses. Particularly as a non-Markovian system. Has anyone tried to think of a non-Markovian system as a Markovian system?


a total fiasco with that.

Don't sweat it.

it's no use using the literature, just use your brain and go for it.

If you make it, it's enough, if not, then go to the factory.

When I was at uni, we had a joke in our department about the intersection of mathematics and cybernetics - cybernetics =)

Bingo! And the prize goes toAndrei!