Price, BRENT Oil (BRENT), (WTI) - page 16

Deniiis777 Fedyashin:

Hi all, who knows if it will go down tomorrow or try to drag the afternoon time frame higher?



Hi all ! Do you guys have any idea where the invisible hand of the market will move oil this week? Chart below with the weekly time frame.

Deniiis777 Fedyashin #:

Hi all ! Do you guys have any idea where the invisible hand of the market will move oil this week? Chart below with the weekly time frame.

There's sure to know and understand.)))
Alexey Viktorov #:
They certainly know and understand.)))

Listen, there are specialists who live by it and are very successful.

Deniiis777 Fedyashin #:

Look, there are professionals who live by it and are very successful.

Look, at least turn on your sense of humour for a while... And I know very well about success. My son-in-law is a pretty successful crypto dealer. Paying his mortgage and raising my granddaughter and grandson on the income from that trade.

Alexey Viktorov #:

Look, at least turn on your sense of humour for a while... And I know very well about success. My son-in-law is a pretty successful crypto trader. Paying his mortgage and raising my granddaughter and grandson on the income from that trade.

Good for him ! Good luck to you _)


I think oil will go lower in the near future 67.80 my prediction

Why trade with such a non-permanent tool?
Irina Tretiakova #:
Why trade such a non-permanent tool?

A good tool in my opinion _)


It was December, and a picture is emerging