Price, BRENT Oil (BRENT), (WTI) - page 6


it should be towards the target and may even go even lower to 72.56

but not at these prices - I do not understand where the Moscow Exchange gets such prices from

You just have a CFD quote, there is a kind of correlated gluing of futures

Ivan Kovalenko:

You just have a CFD quote, there is a sort of correlated gluing of futures

if at these prices as on the moscow exchange - also the indicators started to show a target of 73.08

BRENTH1 dubl 2


if at these prices as at the moscow exchange - also the indicators started to show a target of 73.08

Your indicators are lagging, the calculation of a certain number of prior periods is used

Ivan Kovalenko:

Your indicators are lagging, they calculate a certain number of previous periods

Unfortunately there are no others - I have to use the indicators that are available in the terminal.


if at these prices as on the moscow exchange - also the indicators started to show a target of 73.08



I have to use indicators that are available in the terminal.

At least VWAP, it's easy to use and it works fine for bars, the error is not too big without the real volume.


Unfortunately, there are no others - we have to use the indicators that are available in the terminal.

The market is not static unlike your period in the indicator!

it should be towards the target and may even go even lower to 72.56

but not at these prices - here I do not understand where the Moscow Exchange gets such prices

Here is your SPOT quote rounded to 0.05. Looks like your kitchen is quoting you the right way.

Ivan Kovalenko:

VWAP is easy to use and will work fine for bars, it's not too big of an error without real volume

following your advice - i found indicator

- it also shows that the price wants to bounce to 72.78


Индикатор Advance Volume Weighted Average Price

following your advice - found an indicator

- It also shows that the price wants to bounce to 72.78

What is the purpose of VWAP daily and weekly on H4 ??? With monthly zeroing why at all? And why do you think it should go back to monthly under expiry?