The future of the Forex industry - page 125


Just a figure of speech...

Like it's something bad? 😀

This is a profound misconception, as the western world has been largely influenced by Christian soteriological concepts (which of course were borrowed from earlier antiquity) in which the soul and its salvation is of paramount importance, read for example Böhme's "True Psychology, or Forty Questions about the Soul", 1620... or Leibniz's monadology... or the counter-substantialists starting with Kant, so Jung and many others.

Shame you don't know that, Mr. Chorosh! 😱

I supplemented the post there. Yes, probably a mistake. The reason is in the supplemented post.


Firstly, I didn't have such an idea at the time, it was born here recently in the course of communication on the forum.

Secondly, I would not limit the net profit of small businesses and service businesses. My suggestions only apply to large businesses where more than 1000 workers are used to produce a product.

Thirdly, the figure of 10 is an approximate figure and my subjective opinion, if the experts think that the contribution of an entrepreneur should be estimated at 20 average salaries, I won't mind).

As a matter of fact, why is that amazing:

because by the example of Mr. Khorosh's sentences we can clearly see the agonizing search for indirect protective correlates,

that is, to protect his own interests (or, more precisely, the interests of his nephew) by changing/redefining/clarifying/distinguishing conditions,

the motivation here is very clear: you have to get out of the trap and put your capitalist in the zone of justice and others in the zone of injustice 😀

😀 so he starts juggling: well, not 10 but 20 now, well, for small and medium-sized people it does not apply, and in fact I only came up with it the day before yesterday! 🤣😂😁

Now that is a stunning example of double standards and dishonesty in socialist discourse.


I supplemented the post there. Yes, there must be a mistake. The reason is in the supplemented post.

Accepted, ok, here you wanted to repeat the well-known position that the Western world is soulless and pragmatic, but in fact it applies to the whole world equally, besides, it instantly turns out to be wrong, because the Anglo-Saxons and everyone else has art and a desire for beauty... And of course Zadornov is a blabbermouth, although he was a good comedian.


Forex tycoons promise that the industry will return to its former glory... but with no specifics...

Forex Becomes More Appealing Amid Development of Global Technologies | Finance Magnates
Forex Becomes More Appealing Amid Development of Global Technologies | Finance Magnates
Forex trading from mobile devices will become faster, more convenient and efficient.

so he starts to yoink: well not 10 but 20 now, well for small-medium you can not apply, and in fact I only came up with it the day before yesterday! 🤣😂😁

Now that is a stunning example of double standards and dishonesty in socialist discourse.

So I said from the beginning that the figure of 10 is approximate, it has to be specified by experts. And apparently it should also depend on the size of the enterprise. The larger the enterprise and the higher its income, the higher the figure should be. Also, I would advise you to focus your attention on discussing the idea and not me personally, and then I will stick to that rule.


So I said from the very beginning that the figure of 10 is approximate and should be clarified by experts. And it seems to depend on the size of the company. The larger the company and the higher its income, the higher the figure should be.

And why? For what reason do you think so?


Why? For what reasons do you think so?

Completed the post above.

The reason is only that it is only a dream to harmonise society and smooth out the contradictions over the rich and the poor.


Added to the post above.

The only reason is that it is only a dream to harmonise society and iron out the contradictions over and above the rich and the poor.

And what is the disharmony in your opinion?

And what contradictions between the rich and the poor are you talking about?

Can you describe it clearly, and not in general words?

I don't see any contradictions yet.


Added to the post above.

The only reason is that it is only a dream to harmonise society and iron out the contradictions over and above the rich and the poor.

I understand that there should not and never will be equality, even in an anthill there is a hierarchy. But I wish that the income gap between the poor and the super-rich was not so monstrous.


Also, I would advise you to direct your attention to discussing the idea and not me personally, then I'll stick to that rule too.

My friend, don't be offended, you understand that Drimmer has a style that makes it more interesting to read and keeps the discourse sharp.

I assure you that I have nothing against you personally.