The future of the Forex industry - page 13


But he should not receive a life-long and very fat annuity for starting a business.

He actually bears the risks, unlike the employees. and does not receive a salary, but a profit. or a loss.

After all, ordinary employees produce, and he sucks their blood like a tick, without paying extra money they earned:-)

Yeah, and the one who wields the scoop is the one who feeds them.


Competition for resources is not a human invention, it is the essence of life on earth. If there is no competition, there will be degradation, and the place will be filled by more motivated individuals.

So it is in the human world.


If an entrepreneur starts a new business, it does not entitle him or her to a salary of 1,000 times or more than the average salary of his or her employees for life.

Why? What is the reason? This is the third or fourth time I've asked and I can't get an answer - why?

When he sets up a new company, he may be entitled to government subsidised loans and tax breaks for a period of time, but that is all he can get.

Or he may not! 😉 and then what?
(and the loans by the way are probably not from the government but from the Central Bank)

But he should not get a lifetime and very fat rent for starting a business.

Why? What is the reason?

After all, the products are made by rank-and-file employees, and he sucks their blood like a tick, without paying them the extra money they have earned:-)

Typical Soviet textbook entry about the evil capitalist 😆 I need a picture in gloomy colours...

what deep cognitive distortions have been created over the years, amazing!

why does it have to be a mite/vampire/vampire if you're an entrepreneur?

it's a typical pattern and frame of mind

the entrepreneur created jobs for workers, otherwise they would not work here. have you thought about that for a second?

it's obvious that there's no entrepreneurial mindset and you only see things through the prism of the "oppressed class".

it's about time we dropped these patterns and moved on to positive thinking!


You're only embarrassing yourself with your public shouting.

You probably just associate yourself with the poor and that makes you feel angry and jealous of the rich - and it was clear from your posts.

I did not call for the destruction of anyone - again you twist things around! - That's not what I meant.

If I get scolded it means I'm doing the right thing 😆

Yeah You haven't got my hint yet. I can buy the biscuits, I'm the only one. Who are you going to sell the rest to???????????? If YOU are a capitalist.

I think you care more about the factory. You don't eat biscuits. Can't afford it.

Andrei Trukhanovich:

he actually bears the risk, unlike the employees. and does not get a salary, but a profit. or a loss.

Yeah, and the one who wields the scoop is the one who feeds it.

Exactly, the entrepreneur (the damned capitalist mite) creates movement in the economy, he creates at least an attempt to change the world for the better with a new idea, even if it is delivery/logistics, even a commonplace merchant creates value by creating new supply chains!

But apparently some people just don't have a chance to realise, and they only think in terms of class hatred for entrepreneurs 😄

Uladzimir Izerski:

You haven't gotten my hint yet. I can buy biscuits. I'm on my own. And who are you going to sell the rest to???????????? If you're a capitalist.

I think you care more about the factory. You don't eat biscuits. Can't afford it.

Shh, shh... Why are you shouting like that?

Everyone on this forum already knows that I work in a factory, moonlight at Ashan unloading goods and can barely make ends meet, I'm literally malnourished even...

Aleksei Stepanenko:

Competition for resources is not a human invention, it is the essence of life on earth. If there is no competition, there will be degradation, and the place will be filled by more motivated individuals.

So it is in the human world.

That's right! Competition is what makes people better.

In fact, I'll even make a controversial and contradictory point - that even wars stimulate progress,

although it's clear that war is not a very pleasant thing, but historically it is.

I'll give you this controversial and contradictory idea - that even wars stimulate progress

I would say that regardless of anything, evolution encourages living organisms to constantly adapt to their environment, which in turn is also changing. I cannot grasp the essence of what is happening and the meaning of being. I hope so far...


Shh, shh... why are you shouting like that?

Everyone on this forum already knows that I work in a factory, moonlight at Ashan unloading goods and am struggling to make ends meet, literally malnourished even...

No, you don't like haliba because haliba needs to be fed.

How about destroying it and your life would be better?

I actually thought better of you. You've lost my respect. That's a shame. Don't give me any explanations for not being fair))


True! Competition is what makes people better

in fact, i'll even make such a controversial and contradictory point - that even wars stimulate progress,

although it's understandable that war is not a pleasant thing, but historically it is.

And what about the current popular theory, that there is in fact no confrontation between capitalism and socialism etc. and other isms against other isms, but a confrontation between global financial capital and global industrial capital, and that everything else is just an episode of this struggle? A good conspiracy theory in my opinion)