Experiment - page 221


Actually, Oleg is closer to the truth...

The number of trees does not increase profitability.

Translating into signals - in both cases (1 balance/tree at the originator, or 9 times more) subscriber's lot is scaled to the same figure (or at least it should).

And the increase in his balance subscriber will see the same. And this figure should not be radically different from the readings of the service.


Both gurus (or gurus, when there are two gurus) are confused by the attempt to reduce everything to the average_ temperature_in_the_household and get some characteristic figure.

When in fact it is a graph with segments between balance operations and control points (equi=balance and rollover) scaled separately (according to the starting point for the segment and/or the previous max. balance for the previous period).

And it has many characteristics accordingly; What you calculate is the slope of a straight line. And there are also deviations from it. And other statistical points


Symbolic. And to the point of tears.))


Maxim Kuznetsov #:

Actually, Oleg is closer to the truth...

The number of trees does not increase profitability.

Translating into signals - in both cases (1 balance/tree at the originator, or 9 times more) subscriber's lot is scaled to the same figure (or at least it should).

And the increase in his balance subscriber will see the same. And this figure should not be radically different from the service.


Both gurus (or gurus, when there are two gurus) are confused by the attempt to reduce everything to the average_ temperature_in_the_household and get some characteristic figure.

When in fact it is a graph with segments between balance operations and control points (equi=balance and rollover) scaled separately (according to the starting point for the segment and/or the previous max. balance for the previous period).

And it has many characteristics accordingly; What you calculate is the slope of a straight line. And there are also deviations from it. And other statistical aspects.

Do, do ;)
Not everyone is able to transfer figures in time ;)
Renat Akhtyamov #:
There will not be a leak and that's it.
Oleg avtomat #:

Time will tell.

Just don't hide the monitoring.

Where did your monitoring go?

Renat Akhtyamov #:
Of course you do. I've got the long-player on, now I want to make fun of you ;)

Where'sthe long-player? I want to make fun of it with you!

Олег avtomat #:

Where'sthe long-player? I want to make fun of it with you!

The signal seems to have leaked.

Sergey Gridnev #:
Looks like the signal's gone.

Yeah, the music didn't play for long, just a week.



although a week is along time, that's for sure.)

Didn't live to see Friday, and I told you
Олег avtomat #:

Yeah, the music didn't play for long, just a week.



Although a week is along time, it depends;