Experiment - page 121

Gentlemen, happy to report: the power of PNB allows us to see profits of 60+ per cent to the original deposit.

Viva PNB! Viva, Master Yusuf! Viva! Viva! Viva!

Now I am calm for the fate of PNB, thanks Michael! For the first time in 10 years of work on this problem, tears came to my eyes. Now we should take up the problems of myeromir and PNB should prove the fallacy of Einstein's views and restore Newton's views in their entirety.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

I now have peace of mind about the fate of the PNB, thank you Michael!

On a sample of 5 days, PNB advises to buy.

60 days - sell

300 days = sell

Which prognosis should be believed and why?


Believe my prediction, because I say you should not buy EURUSD yet )

In all seriousness, there is no contradiction here. I have repeatedly written a phrase like: at any given time it is equally valid to decide to buy and to sell, depending on the scale of price change you want to see as a take profit.

You have to believe my prediction because I say you should not buy EURUSD yet )

We don't know if it's an NPA or just trolling Yusuf. No pictures, no formulas, nothing.


Gentlemen, I am happy to report that the indestructible power of PNB, bestowed upon us by Guru Yusuf, allows us to observe a 50+ percent profit level over and above the initial deposit.

Glory to PNB!

above didn't seem to show badly, but fanatic, very badly.

Evgeniy Chumakov:

In a sample of 5 days, the NSP advises to buy.

60 days - sell

300 days = sell

Which forecast should be trusted and why?

It is important to keep it constant. It should ideally be optimized over the entire history of the instrument. It cannot be less than 3. That is the only requirement for the sample.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

For your information, intellectual mathematical works are not granted patents and are limited to articles, which they are. Patents are granted for technical solutions and I have 4 of them, one of which was put into production and I received 20,000 roubles for it, the maximum amount in Soviet times. It was exhibited at the All-Union Exhibition of Economic Achievements as the highest industrial achievement. Russia is still selling this patent to foreigners. The patent "Flow Regulator" numbered 1035571, I think. Back then, they issued inventor's certificates, not patents. Now it's been renamed "patent".

Well, let's meet


Man, MACD works better...ask Baskakov :-)

and it (not Baskakov's) has a big plus - everything there is reasonable, right down to "sample selection"


if forecasts have a parameter "depth of input data sampling", there should be a justification for its depth.

Of course, this does not apply to Yusufs :-)


Well, let's meet up.

We'll call you when we get to Moscow.

Gentlemen, happy to report: the power of the PNB allows us to see profits of 60+ per cent to the original deposit.

Viva PNB! Viva, Master Yusuf! Viva! Viva! Viva!

fanaticism, bad, you seem to have learned a lot, and believe, don't find life.

that's what religion is based on, watch the first word.

it is strange that in russia you have succumbed to such insights, it is not worth looking at you. (sick radical.)